Season 1 Episode 1 *シーズン1の第1話の後は、いろんなエピソードから短い会話を載せています。そちらには会話の日本語訳をつけています。そちらがお好みの方はここから飛べます。
<グランドセントラル駅> 到着したセリーナを見て、携帯電話で写真を撮っている女の子がいる。
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here… and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote ‘boarding school’? And just as suddenly she’s back. Don’t believe me? See for yourselves: Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel!
Rufus: Dan, Jenny! Over here!
Jenny: Hey, dad!
Rufus: Hey, hey! You made it. Welcome back! How was your weekend? How was your mom?
Dan: She’s fine.
Jenny: Good… fine, I guess.
Dan: She’s good and fine.
Rufus: Like ‘Maybe I should never have left Manhattan’ fine or ‘Taking a time-out from my marriage was the best idea I’ve ever had’ fine?
Dan: Dad, you know… I’m starving.
Rufus: Let’s go home. I’m cooking. Caprese salad with a little mozzarella di Bufala… yeah, I’m gonna make you guys…
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Spotted: Lonely Boy… can’t believe the love of his life has returned. If only she knew who he was. But everyone knows Serena. And everyone is talking.
<ニューヨーク> 人々が路上に立ってスマホで「Gossip Girl」の最新ポストを見ている
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. Sure, they’re BFFs but we always thought Blair’s boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena.
<ワルドルフ家 のバスルーム> ブレアはゴシップガールから届いた新着メッセージを見る。バスルームを出てパーティーに戻ると、母親のエレノアは友人と話している。
Eleanor :…I have to design a dress for this woman.
Eleanor: Blair, if you’re gonna to wear one of my designs tell me about it so we can at least get it properly fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom. Keep that in mind. Great party.
Eleanor: She is my best advertisement.
Party Guest: So, Nate, started thinking about college?
Howie: Well, actually I’m a Dartmouth man.
Nate: Yes, dad’s always spoken very highly of Dartmouth. But I would like to check out west. You know, maybe USC, UCLA?
Howie: His mother wouldn’t hear of it. Dartmouth is far enough away for her.
Nate: Yes, well… Dartmouth is my first choice.
Blair: Excuse me, captain. Nate, can I borrow you?
Nate: Eh, sure. Excuse me for a second.
Chuck: Nathaniel, any interest in some fresh air?
Nate: When I get back?
Blair: If he gets back!
ブレアはネイトを寝室に連れて行き ベッドに押し倒す。
Nate: What’s going on?
Blair: I wanna do this… It… Now.
Nate: Now now? You wanted to wait…
Blair: Not anymore.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Better lock it down with Nate, B. The clock’s ticking.
Katy: My god, you’ll never believe what’s on ‘Gossip Girl’.
Isabel: Someone saw Serena get off a train at Grand Central.
Chuck: Good, things were getting a little… dull around here.
<ワルドルフ家 > ドアマンがタウンカーのドアを開け、セリーナが降りてくる。
Serena: Thank you.
<ブレアのベッドルーム > 服を脱いだブレアとネイトがベッドの上でキスをしている。
Blair: I love you. Nate Archibald. Always have, always will.
Nate: I love you too.
<ワルドルフ家> セリーナが入ってきたことにエレノアが気づく。
Eleanor: Serena van der Woodsen? Is that you?
Eleanor: Blair, it’s Serena!
Nate: Serena?
Blair: Serena is at school. Kiss me.
Nate: No, I think I heard your mom say she’s here. Don’t you wanna go say hey?
Blair: Yeah… totally.
<ワルドルフ家> セリーナはパーティのゲストの間を通り抜けている。その後ろ姿を見ながらゲストがひそひそ話をしている。
Party Guests: …I heard she is pregnant… rehab… she looks good…
Lily: So I told him: Forget it, I don’t care if it’s Murakami. It clashes with my sofa.
Serena: Mom… mom! Hey.
Lily: Oh, Serena, darling.
Serena: So, where is he? What, they haven’t let him out yet?
Lily: Let’s not discuss this right now, ok? I thought you might want to see some of your friends.
Serena: Thanks.
Blair: Hi, Serena, so good to see you.
Serena: Good to see you.
Blair: Come, we’re about to have dinner.
Eleanor: I’ll set a place for you at the table next to Blair.
Serena: Yeah, actually… there’s somewhere I have to go.
Blair: You’re leaving?
Serena: Yeah, I just… I don’t feel well. I just wanted to come by and say hi. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.
Blair: School… so I guess she’s back for good.
Katy: Didn’t you know she was coming?
Blair: Course I did. I just… wanted it to be a surprise.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Word is that S bailed on B’s party in under 90 seconds and didn’t even have one lemon shot. Has our bad girl really gone good? Or is it all just part of the act?
<オストロフ・センター> セレナが入ってきて、ナースステーションを通り過ぎ、患者の部屋を探している。
Nurse: Young lady, you can’t be here. Visiting hours are over.
Serena: I’m family. He’s my brother.
<ハンフリーの家> ダンのベッドルーム – ダンは「ゴシップガール」のブログを見ている。
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Why’d she leave? Why’d she return? Send me all the deet. And who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell. The only one. XOXO Gossip Girl.
<オストロフ・センター> エリックの部屋 – セレナの弟のエリックは、ベッド脇の椅子でうたた寝ているセリーナに気づいて起こす。
Erik: Serena… Serena, hey.
Serena: Hey, how are you?
Erik: You know, I’ve been better.
Serena: Erik, I know I’ve been a terrible sister. I’m so happy to see you.
Erik: Must be a lot of rumor why you’re back.
Serena: Yeah, but none of them mentioned you.
Erik: Just like mom wants, hm?
Lily: What do I want, baby? For Serena sleeping in her own bed, possibly wearing pyjamas.
Serena: Morning, mom. Hey, I was just about to ask the doctor if I could take Erik to breakfast. Wanna come?
Lily: Ehm, I think what I’ll do is to get him a croissant down the street.
Erik: Serena, don’t!
Serena: Let me guess: You told everyone Erik is just visiting grandpa in Rhode Island.
Lily: Your aunt Carol in Miami.
Serena: So, you’re actually hiding him. He tries to take his own life and you’re worried it will cost you ‘Mom Of The Year’?
Lily: Serena, you’ve been gone. Doing who knows what with God knows who…
Serena: I told you, boarding school was not like that.
Lily: As happy as I am to have you home, you have no idea what it’s been like.
<ハンフリー家 のキッチン> ジェニーは手書きの招待状を整理している。ルーファスが朝食を作っているところにダンが入ってくる。
Rufus: Guess who’s dad is cool!
Jenny: It’s a trick question.
Dan: Yeah, ‘cause it can’t be ours.
Rufus: Look at this!
Dan: ‘Top 10 Forgotten Bands Of The ’90s’.
Rufus: Yeah, check out who’s number nine.
Jenny: He is very proud.
Dan: Hey, hey way to be forgotten!
Rufus: But that’s how you get remembered.
Jenny: Maybe you’d care if dad’s band was on ‘Gossip Girl’.
Dan: What? I don’t read ‘Gossip Girl’. That’s… that’s for chicks.
Jenny: So that wasn’t your laptop you’ve been to last night to read all about Serena van der Woodsen.
Dan: Holy stone, wow! Let me take a look at this again, dad. Very cool, looking hot, number nine!
Rufus: Hey, what are you working on?
Jenny: It’s called the ‘Kiss On The Lips’ party. Everyone’s going.
Dan: You’re invited to that?
Dan: Well, no offense if I sound surprised… since I’ve never been invited.
Jenny: One of the girls in my art class saw my calligraphy and she said that if I addressed all the invitations that I could have one.
Rufus: Sounds very fair. Sweatshops could learn a thing or two.
Jenny: Dad, this is not a platform for one of your anti-capitalist rants.
Rufus: Yes, it is.
Jenny: Besides, you make us go to private schools.
Rufus: That’s for your education.
Jenny: So we should be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties?
Dan: Works for me.
Jenny: Mom thinks it’s a good idea.
Rufus: And her judgment is always sound, right? Jenny, if you wanna go to that party you should go. You kids could use some fun.
<パレスホテル> 正面玄関に向かって歩くセリーナをネイトが待っている。
Serena: Nate?
Nate: Oh, hey! Uhm, your mom told me you guys are staying here at The Palace.
Serena: Yeah, we’re renovating… again. You know my mom: If it’s not broke, break it. So what are you doing here?
Nate: Oh, I just wanted to see how you were. You seemed kind of upset last night.
Serena: I got to get going and change for school. I’m gonna be late.
Nate: Serena…
Serena: No, no.
Nate: But you’re back now.
Serena: I didn’t come back for you. Look, Blair’s my best friend and you’re her boyfriend and she loves you. That’s the way things are supposed to be.
<ニューヨーク> ダンは学校へ行くバスに乗るために通りを渡る。
Taxi Driver: Hey, watch where you’re going!
<バスの中> チャックとネイトは隣り合って座り、ダンは通路に立っている。
Chuck: Serena looked effing hot last night. There’s something wrong with that level of perfection… it needs to be violated.
Nate: You are deeply disturbed.
Chuck: And yet you know I’m right. You’re telling me if you had the chance…
Nate: I have a girlfriend.
Chuck: You guys have been dating since kindergarten and you haven’t sealed the deal.
Nate: Who says ‘seal the seal’?
Chuck: Come on.
Chuck: You following us or something?
Dan: No, I… I go to your school. Identical uniforms, that’s kind of a tip-off?
Nate: That’s funny.
Dan: So you guys wanna sit together at lunch?
<METの前> ブレア、イザベル、ケイティが階段に座って招待状を見ている。ジェニーはその隣に立っている。
Isabel: So cute! They should be framed or something.
Blair: Not bad work. And here is yours… as promised.
Jenny: Thanks.
Serena: Hey, here you guys are. I looked all over the dining hall for you.
Serena: Oh, hi, I’m Serena.
Jenny: I know, uhm, I mean, hi, I’m Jenny.
Serena: So, when’s the party?
Blair: Saturday. And you’re kinda not invited. Since until 12 hours ago everyone thought you were at boarding school. And Jenny used up all the invites.
Jenny: Uhm, actually…
Blair: You can go now.
Blair: Sorry.
Serena: No, it’s ok. I’ve got a lot of stuff to do anyway.
Blair: Well, we should get going then. Unless you want us to wait for you. Looks like you got a lot of yoghurt left.
Serena: No, go ahead.
Serena: Blair, think we can meet tonight?
Blair: I’d love to but I’m doing something with Nate tonight.
Serena: The Palace, 8 o’clock. Nate will wait.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Spotted: At the steps of the MET, an S and B power struggle.
Blair: I can probably do a half hour.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Did S think she could waltz home and things would be just like they were?
Serena: Thanks for making the time.
Blair: You’re my best friend.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Did B think S would go down without a fight? Or can these two hotties work it out? There’s nothing ‘Gossip Girl’ likes more than a good catfight. And this could be a classic.
<ニューヨーク> ルーファスが自分のバンド「リンカーン・ホーク」のライブのチラシをダンと一緒に貼っている。
Dan: Uh, you know… you know, dad, there’s this thing called ‘myspace’ where you post all this information online. Save some trees, have a blog.
Rufus: Maybe if musicians would get off their blogs and picked up their guitars then music business would be in better shape.
Dan: Ok, like a true relic.
Rufus: Thanks, son.
「2007年9月24日午後3時15分、 助けて: 緊急事態。 フィフスアベニュー712まで来て。ジェニーより。」と書かれている。
Dan: Hey dad, listen, uhm, I got to run. You’ll be ok?
Rufus: Yeah. Your mom will be back. She’s always been a free spirit. That’s one of the reasons I fell for her in the first place.
Dan: I meant with the flyers.
Rufus: Luckily, staple guns are old-school. Go, I’m gonna be fine.
<オストロフ・センター> エリックの部屋ーセリーナが入ってくる。
Serena: I talked to the nurse and I’m kidnapping you.
Erik: We’re going shopping, aren’t we.
Serena: We’re going to Wendells… just for an hour though, I swear. I had a really bad day.
Erik: Really? ‘Cause I had a great day: A couple of pills, bunch of Rorschach tests… they had this green jelly for lunch.
Serena: Mmh, yummy! Why didn’t you save me any? Come on, we need to get you out of here before mom shows up.
<デパートの洋服売り場> 赤いドレスを試着しているジェニーにダンが歩み寄る。
Dan: Jenny, what is it? What is wrong?
Jenny: Do you like this on me?
Dan: Wait… wait a second, is that why you needed me? I thought this was an emergency.
Jenny: A fashion emergency. I mean, come on, I’ve never been to a big dance before.
Dan: Neither have I.
Jenny: Yeah, but mom’s gone and dad’s allergic to department stores.
Dan: Well, you look good, Jen. You do, really.
Jenny: Thanks. I mean, too bad it’s more than our rent but I think I can sew something like it.
Jenny: Oh my gosh, it’s Serena. Hi, Serena!
Serena: Hey. Hey, Jenny, right?
Jenny: Yeah.
Serena: This is my…
Erik: Stylist and personal shopper. I’m Erik, hi.
Jenny: Hi, uhm, this is my brother… or…
Serena: So is this your dress for the ‘Kiss On The Lips’ party?
Jenny: Sort of. Speaking of that.
ジェニーはセリーナに招待状を渡す。Jenny: Here, I made you one during free period but anyone asks where you got it, I know nothing.
Serena: Thanks.
Jenny: Dan, Dan?
Serena: Jenny, that dress would look even better in black.
Jenny: Black. Cool. Thanks.
<公園> チャックとネイトが大麻を吸いながら散歩をしている。
Chuck: This is some good stuff.
Nate: Yeah, I’m gonna need it. Blair’s mom’s at the country house.
Chuck: Yeah? Then maybe I should swipe some of my dad’s Viagra? Or my mom’s paxils? Nathaniel, you’re finally about to have sex with your girlfriend. It’s like you’re heading to your execution.
Nate: No, man. I’m good.
Chuck: Talk to Chuck, buddy. You and Blair have been dating forever, all of a sudden there is a problem?
Nate: There is no problem. It’s just… do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? That we’re just gonna… end up like our parents?
Chuck: Man, that’s a dark thought.
Nate: You know, aren’t we entitled to choose… just to be happy?
Chuck: Look, easy, Sokrates. What we’re entitled to is a trust fund… maybe a house in the Hamptons, a prescription drug problem. Happiness does not seem to be on the menu. So smoke up and seal the deal with Blair… ‘cause you’re also entitled to tap that ass.
<パレスホテルのバー> セリーナとブレアがバーのカウンターに並んで座っている。ブレアはマティーニを飲んでいる。
Serena: So, how’s your mom doing… with the divorce and everything?
Blair: Great. So my dad left her for another man. She’s lost 15 pounds, got an eye-lift. It’s been good for her.
Serena: I’m really sorry.
Blair: Yeah, I could tell since you didn’t call or write the entire time it was happening.
Serena: No, I know… I was just… boarding school… it’s like…
Blair: I don’t even know why you went to boarding school to begin with. Do you know how it felt, calling your house when you didn’t show up at school and having your mom say: Serena didn’t tell you that she moved to Connecticut?
Serena: I just… I had to go. I needed to get away from everything. Please just trust me.
Blair: How can I trust you when I feel like I don’t even know you.
Serena: Let’s fix that. I saw you at school with Katy and Iz and I get it. I don’t want to take any of that away from you. I just…
Blair: Because it’s just yours to take if you want it?
Serena: No, that’s not what I mean. I… I miss you. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be. You know, walking to school together, dancing on tables at Bungalow, the nights when we were at your mom’s country house. You were like my sister… and with our families… we need each other.
Blair: Well, you missed some classic Eleanor Waldorf melt-downs. If it wasn’t such a tragedy it would have been funny. Actually kinda was.
Serena: Well, I wish I could have been there.
Blair: You are now. I have to meet Nate. I kind of have something special and…
Serena: Well, I don’t want to keep you but…
Serena: I love you, B.
Blair: I love you too, S.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Spotted: At The Palace Hotel, S and B having a heart to heart.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Hmm, why so thirsty, S? You may have won over B for now but we still think you’re hiding something.
<ハンフリー家のジェニーの部屋> ジェニーがミシンの前に座っていると、ダンが入ってくる。
Dan: Hey!
Jenny: Ah, the invisible man returns. You know, I really had no idea you could move that fast.
Dan: Yeah, well, your fashion emergency was solved, so… I figured my work was done.
Jenny: Come on, Dan. Serena said hi to you at her 9th grade birthday party and you’ve never forgotten it.
Dan: How could I? She was the only person who spoke to me. And I’m pretty sure she thought I was someone else.
Jenny: Well, you know, she is actually nice. And if she did know you I think she would really like you.
Dan: I don’t know, I think she would be a tad overwhelmed by the glitz and the glamour of the Humphrey lifestyle.
Jenny: Well, I heard she’s living at The Palace Hotel.
Dan: Well, my point exactly.
Jenny: Probably sitting at the bar by herself, sipping Martinis… all alone. You know, it’s actually kinda sad. Oh, and dad’s at the gallery working late. He left money for dinner, so I was thinking Indian.
Dan: You know… you know what, I think I’m… I’m gonna go out.
Jenny: Ok… good, ‘cause I already ordered and only got enough for one.
<パレスホテルのバー> チャックが入ってくる。
Chuck: Hello, please.
Chuck: I love this town. I’m going to have to tell my parents the hotel they just bought is serving minors.
Serena: And if you get a drink, they are also serving pigs.
Chuck: I love it when you talk dirty.
Serena: You just love when a girl talks to you.
Chuck: Actually, I prefer them when they’re not talking.
Serena: Oh, I’ve missed your witty banter.
Chuck: Let’s catch up. Take our clothes off, stare at each other.
Serena: What about I just get a bit to eat. I’ve been drinking on an empty stomach.
Chuck: I heard you didn’t do that anymore.
Serena: Special occasion.
Chuck: Well, what about a grilled cheese with truffle oil? You do love truffles?
Serena: Enough to know it’s not on the menu.
Chuck: Good thing I’m connected.
Serena: Only because I’m hungry.
<ブレアのベッドルーム> キャンドルで照らされた部屋にネイトが入ると、下着姿のブレアが彼を待っている。
Nate: Wow.
Blair: Hi.
Nate: Hi.
Blair: Is it too much? I wanted it to be special.
Blair: What’s wrong?
Nate: Look, I don’t know how to say this… or if it’s even the right thing to do but ehm… there’s something I need to tell you.
<パレスホテルの厨房> チャックが数枚の紙幣をシェフのアルフォンソのジャケットに入れると、彼とスタッフが帰っていく。
Chuck: Alfonso, you’re stud. Now have good night, we’re closing the kitchen early.
Serena: Oh my god, this is so good.
Chuck: Well, if you’re looking for a way to thank me I’ve got a couple ideas.
Serena: It’s a sandwich, Chuck.
Serena: This is… this is not happening right now.
Chuck: You’re worried Nate will find out?
Serena: What?
Chuck: Last year… the Shepherd wedding… you think I don’t know why you left town?
<フラッシュバック> 1年前 バーの中
Nate: Serena, you know we’re not supposed to be in here.
Serena: Oh, if the happy couple didn’t want to put up the cash for the premium bar, they should have made their wedding B.Y.O.B.
Nate: Let me see it!
Serena: No, make me!
Nate: I can do it, I can open it. Let me show you… here, come here. Let me see…
Serena: No!
Nate: Let me… stop?
Serena: Nate!
Nate: That never happens to me.
Serena: It’s ok. You’re stronger than me, alright.
Nate: Come here.
Serena: Look at you, you’re a mess.
Nate: So are you.
<ブレアのベッドルーム> ネイトはブレアから顔をそむける。
Blair: But… that was it… you guys kissed.
<フラッシュバック> 1年前 バーの中
Chuck: Best friend and the boyfriend. That’s pretty classy, S. I think you’re more like me than you admit.
Serena: No, no, that… that was then. I’m trying to change.
Chuck: I liked you better before.
Serena: Stop it. Stop! No! Stop it!
<フラッシュバック> 1年前 バーの中
<ブレアのベッドルーム> ブレアがネイトを押しのける
Blair: I knew it! I always knew there was something! Get out!
フラッシュバック - 1年前 バーの中
<パレスホテルの厨房> チャックがセリーナに強引にキスしようとする。
Serena: Chuck, no!
<パレスホテルの厨房> チャックはまだしつこくセリーナにキスしようとしている。
Serena: Get off of me!
Dan: I’m… so sorry, Are you ok?
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
And just when B and S had built a bridge… it all had to come crashing down. But dry your eyes: the ‘Kiss On The Lips’ party is around the corner. And you know who loves parties? Gossip Girl.
<ニューヨーク> 公園 – ネイトと父親が競争している。タッチの差で父親が勝つ。
Howie: Nice try, son.
Nate: Maybe next time.
Howie: You seem upbeat this morning. Did you have fun with Blair last night?
Nate: Actually, we got into a pretty big fight.
Howie: You want my advice? Apologise. Even if it was her fault. Flowers, maybe some jewellery if she’s really upset. Always works for your mother.
Nate: I don’t know. I think it may be for the best.
Howie: Wait a minute, you guys broke up?
Nate: Yeah, I guess we did.
Howie: Blair is a great girl.
Nate: I know. But I’m just not sure if she’s the girl for me.
Howie: But you guys have been dating since kindergarten.
Nate: So I keep hearing.
Howie: I mean, you love her, don’t you?
Nate: Yes, I do. I just think it might be good for us to take a break, you know.
Howie: Maybe not right now. Eleanor Waldorf is gearing up to take her company public and I’ve been courting her for month to let me handle the deal.
Nate: Then you should get it.
Howie: I will get it… if you just help me out a little bit.
Howie: What? You love her, she loves you. It’s just a rough patch, that’s all. You don’t give up just because things are hard. Not in business or if your family is depending on you.
<パレスホテル> ダンは受付でコンシェルジュと話している。
Concierge: How did you know it was Miss Van der Woodsen if you didn’t read it and if you are not a guest at the hotel what were you doing there?
Dan: What? Uhm, look, when Prince Charming found Cinderella’s slipper, they didn’t accuse him of having a foot-fetish.
Concierge: And you are Prince Charming? Well, there is Miss Van der Woodsen now…
Dan: No, no, no, no…
Concierge: Serena!
Dan: Don’t, don’t…
Concierge: Do you know this young man?
Dan: She doesn’t know me. Nobody knows me. It’s cool, it’s fine.
Serena: Uhm, from last night, right? I’m sorry about that.
Dan: You remember me?
Dan: She remembers me.
Concierge: Well, he claims he found your cell phone.
Serena: Oh, you found it.
Serena: Hey, mom.
Lily: Guess what I found for you… a dress for ‘Kiss On The Lips’. I saw the invitation on the nightstand.
Serena: Oh, uhm, I’m not going to that.
Lily: What do you mean? Blair’s throwing it.
Serena: Yeah, uhm… see the problem is I… by the time I got the invitation… I uhm, actually already had plans.
Lily: Plans with whom?
Serena: My friend.
Dan: Eh, yeah, hi, nice to meet you Misses Van der Woodsen. I’m Dan… Humphrey.
Lily: What are you and Dan Humphrey doing?
Serena: We… uhm…
Dan: Eh, we’re going to a concert tonight.
Lily: Lincoln Hawk?
Dan: Yeah, ‘Rolling Stone’ named them one of the ‘Top 10 Forgotten Bands Of The ’90s’.
Serena: Whooh! I’m a huge fan.
Dan: Uh-hum.
Lily: Well, this party would have been the perfect opportunity for you to announce your return but I guess I’ll just keep the dress for myself.
Serena: Thank you.
Dan: Yeah, no, I… it’s not a problem, really.
Serena: So pick me up at eight?
Dan: You really go out with some guy you don’t know?
Serena: Well, you can’t be worse than the guys I do know.
<日本食レストラン> ブレアとネイトが食事をしている。
Nate: Thanks for meeting me. Look, Blair, I really hurt you and I know that and I want to fix it.
Blair: Really? And how are you gonna do that?
Nate: I’m gonna put everything in the past. I’m not gonna see Serena again or even talk to her. It’ll be like she doesn’t exist.
Blair: I think that’s a good idea. Let’s not mention it again. You gonna eat that?
Nate: That’s it? ‘Cause you were pretty upset last night… I mean, should we talk about this?Blair: There is nothing to talk about. I overreacted… you say it’s in the past, it’s in the past. I’m sure you have no feelings for her anymore. I just feel bad for Serena… she’ll really miss you. What time does the limo come?
Nate: Eight.
Blair: Perfect.
<ハンフリーのアートギャラリー> ルーファスが仕事をしていると、リリーが入ってくる。
Rufus: Lily! Are you shopping for some more art to match your furniture?
Lily: Why is my daughter going to one of your concerts?
Rufus: ‘Cause we’re awesome.
Lily: With your son?Rufus: Dan’s got a date with Serena?
Lily: Hmm.
Rufus: Well, our kids were about to meet, it’s a small island.
Lily: You’re sure it’s not some ploy your using my daughter to get to me? Now that your wife left you?
Rufus: How do you know about Alison?
Lily: Like you said: Small island.
Rufus: Oh, I get it: You hear about Alison, use your daughter as an excuse to start something.
Lily: Yeah, in your dream!
Rufus: Well, you are in my dreams, Lily… and one of them particular occurs finding you in the back of a Nine Inch Nails bus with your shoes in your earrings and Trent Reznor… oh, that happened!
Lily: No need to rehash details of decades past. So I moved on.
Rufus: Yeah, from Chanterlane to Paris until you switched up rock stars for billionaires.
Lily: You think you’re so cute. Washed up band, crappy so-called ‘art gallery’.
Rufus: Well, not all of us have settlements from multiple divorcés to sustain us.
Lily: Just stay out of my life, Rufus!
<ハンフリー家> ジェニーとダンは鏡の前で出かける準備をしている。
Jenny: You’re going out with Serena and I’m going to ‘Kiss On The Lips’. Who said this family wasn’t cool.
Dan: Well, listen, I don’t want to be late but you’re looking great.
Jenny: Same.
Dan: See you at the concert, right dad.
Rufus: I, uhm… ok.
Rufus: Oh my god, my daughter is a woman.
Jenny: Dad, you could just tell me I look nice instead of turning this into a sermon on the passage of time.
Rufus: You look like… your mother.
Jenny: Thanks.
<ブレアのベッドルーム> ブレアは全身鏡で、茶色のドレスを着た自分の姿を見ている。そこにエレノアが入ってくる。
Eleanor: Blair. let me see how it looks! Why are you wearing that one? Didn’t you see the dress I left on the bed?
Blair: I like this one.
Eleanor: This one is not as elegant a choice as that one.
Blair: Why do you care so much?
Eleanor: Because I love you. Blair, you’re never be more beautiful or thin or happy than you are right now. I just want you to make the most of it.
Blair: I guess I have time to change.
Eleanor: And put some product in your hair. The ends are dry.
<リムジンの中> ブレア、ネイト、チャック、イザベル、ケイティがシャンパンを飲みながら笑っている。
<パレスホテル> ダンが入ってきて、ギャラリーに立つセリーナを見つける。二人はお互いの顔を見て笑顔になる。
<KISS ON THE LIPSのパーティ> チャック、イザベル、ケイティがバーのところに立っている。チャックは群衆の中にジェニーを見つける。
Chuck: Who’s the newbie?
Katy: Jenny Humphrey. She’s a freshman.
Chuck: I love freshman. They’re so…
Isabel: …fresh?Chuck: Anything about her on ‘Gossip Girl’?
Isabel: No. Mmh… till you’re done with her.
[Chuck walks over to Jenny]
Chuck: Hi, I’m Chuck.
Jenny: I know, uhm, I mean, hi, I’m Jenny.
Chuck: It’s nice to meet you.
Jenny: You too.
Chuck: Thank you.
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Looks like little Jen might end up with a new boy and a ticket to the inner circle. Or will C end up with another victim? I told you I love parties.
<ニューヨーク> セリーナとダンはクラブの裏口に向かって通りを歩いている。バンドのメンバーが機材を降ろしている。
Serena: So I’m a little overdressed, aren’t I?
Dan: Honestly, I don’t really have a problem with your appearance. Hey, come on, I want you to meet one of the guys in the band.
Serena: Oh, so you’re a groupie?
Dan: Well, not quite.
Dan: Serena, I’d like you to meet Rufus Humphrey. Dad, this is Serena.
Rufus: Serena van der Woodsen. Oh, I don’t know how I know that. Nice to meet you.
Serena: Nice to meet you too.
Rufus: You guys are a little early. It’s gonna be a while before we take the stage.
Dan: Yeah, I may have slightly over-budgeted it for travel time.
Rufus’ Bandmate: Hey!
Rufus: I should go tune that. Excuse me. Enjoy the show! Son, talk to you later.
Dan: Yeah, see you.
Serena: So you took me to meet your dad on our first date?
Dan: So this… this is a date? Ah, maybe I should have worn my loafers then… and dress down a little bit.
<KISS ON THE LIPSパーティ> チャックがジェニーを連れて2階に上がる。
Chuck: Let’s go and talk somewhere quieter.
Jenny: Ok.
Jenny: This is definitely quieter but do you actually know where we’re going or…
Chuck: Here looks pretty good.
Jenny: So, you said you wanted to talk. Uhm, what do you want to talk about?
Chuck: How into you I am.
チャックはジェニーに再びキスを迫るが、ジェニーはまた身体を引いて避ける。Chuck: Ok, I am sorry. If you don’t want to do anything that’s cool. Let’s start over.
Jenny: Yeah, uhm… do you wanna start over back at the party?
Chuck: Eh… have a glass of champagne, please?
Jenny: Maybe one.
<クラブの外> セリーナとダンはクラブを出る。ダンは彼女のためにドアを開ける。
Serena: Thanks.
Serena: What?
Dan: Sorry, nothing, nothing. I just, uhm… my sister was right: You’re nice.
Serena: You asked me out on a date, and you didn’t think I was nice?
Dan: No, uh… I just thought you were hot. And technically, you asked me out.
Serena: Oh, ok, ok, I see. So, uhm, sensible tortured soul boy is actually kind of superficial.
Dan: Yeah, just a little bit.
Serena: Good to know.
Dan: Sorry.
ダンはもう1件メッセージを受け取る。「2007年9月25日午後9時15分、 911、ほんとにやばいの。お願い。チャックを知ってるでしょ?」
Serena: Got a better offer?
Dan: No, it’s my sister. She’s at that ‘Kiss On The Lips’ party, you know. She’s having some problems with that guy Chuck. I’m sorry, I have to go.
Serena: I’ll go with you.
Dan: No, really, that’s ok.
Serena: No, no, listen, if it’s Chuck it’s not ok.
<KISS ON THE LIPSパーティー> ダンとセリーナが会場に入る。
Dan: I’m gonna do a lap, ok? Look for her.
Serena: Yeah, ok.
Party Guests: .. Serena… it’s Serena… oh my gosh… is she really here?… is that really her?… Blair said she wasn’t invited… she is wasted… she is so brave…
Isabel and Katy: Serena’s here?
Blair: What is she doing here? She wasn’t invited.
Nate: Blair, come on, are you really gonna kick her out?
Blair: Did you invite her?
Nate: What? No! God! I told you.
Blair: Do not talk to her.
Nate: I was going for a walk.
<屋上> チャックは、ジェニーの意思に反してまだしつこくキスをしようとしている。
Jenny: No!
Chuck: Quiet.
Jenny: Stop!
<KISS ON THE LIPS’パーティー > セリーナはダンを見つける。
Serena: Hey, no luck?
Dan: No, I haven’t seen here anywhere.
Serena: Come on, let’s try upstairs.
Dan: There isn’t going to be anybody up here. This is pointless.
Serena: Dan!
Dan: What?
Serena: That’s Chuck’s scarf.
Dan: Oh god!
<屋上> まだしつこくジェニーにキスしようとしているチャックに、ダンが駆け寄る。
Jenny: Get off. Stop!
Dan: Hey, Jenny!
Serena: Chuck! Get off of here!
Dan: Are you ok?
Dan: Son of a…
Chuck: What the hell is your problem? It’s a party. Things happen. Who are you anyway?
Dan: How many times do I have to tell you? I’m in your class. My name is Dan Humphrey… and that is my little sister.
Serena: Let’s go. come on.
Serena: Chuck, don’t you ever touch her again!
Chuck: Hey, your life is over, slut! Don’t forget: I know everything!
Dan: You sure you’re ok?
Jenny: Yeah, I will be. Just take me home, ok?
Dan: So, think I’ve got a shot at a second date?
Serena: Well, I don’t think we can top this one.
Dan: I did punch someone.
Serena: True, we talk about it in the cab.
Blair: She better not show her face again.
Chuck: I’m actually hoping she will.
<タクシーの中> ダンはジェニーを抱きしめ、セリーナを見て微笑み、セリーナは横の窓から外を眺める。
Gossip Girl (Voice Over)
Spotted: Serena… making an heroic exit from B’s party. Too bad for her, there’s school on Monday. So, until next time. You know you love me… Gossip Girl.
Blair: Doherta is gonna kill you if you get glow on that comforter.(掛け布団の上にキラキラしたもの付けたらドロータに殺されるわよ)
Serena: Sorry, we’ve turned your room into an art studio, B. But the clock is ticking.(ごめんね、B、あなたの部屋をアートスタジオにしちゃって。でも、時間がないの)
Vanessa: I’m done.(できた)
Erik: Wow.(すごい)
Serena: Oh gosh. Wow, this… this is amazing. Thank you so much, Vanessa. This is gonna be incredible.(ワオ、これ・・これってほんと素敵。ヴァネッサ、本当にありがとう。これで絶対にうまくいくわ)
Vanessa: Good, I’m glad I could help. I think he’ll really love it.(よかった、役に立てて。きっと気に入ってくれると思うよ)
Dan: I’m still worried about Jenny.(ジェニーのことがまだ心配なんだ)
Blair: You mean because she’s self-obsessed, self-serving, self-centered, self..(それって、ジェニーが独りよがりで、利己的で、自己中で、自分勝…)
Dan: No. No, I wish it was about her and her … self … but it’s more about who she’s with. I can’t get through to her. I tried, and she just completely blew me off.(いや、そうじゃなくて、彼女自身のことならいいんだけど・・・どちらかというと彼女が一緒にいる相手が問題なんだ。俺の言いたいこと、全然わかってもらえなくて。頑張ってはみたけど、完全に無視されてるんだ)
Serena: Hey!
Nate: Hey!
Serena: I was just seeing off Blair.(ブレアを見送ってきたとこなの)
Nate: I was just on the phone with Chuck.(俺はチャックとの電話を終えたとこ)
Serena: Blair and Chuck. Now there’s a couple you can root for.(ブレアとチャック。応援したくなるカップルが誕生したわね)
Nate: Yeah, well, if they’re happy, I guess I’m happy.(そうだね、彼らが幸せなら、俺も幸せだよ)
Blair: I have to meet Nate. I kind of have something special and…(ネイトと約束があるの。特別な予定で…)
Serena: Well, I don’t want to keep you but…(引き留めたくないけど…)
[Serena hugs Blair] セリーナがブレアをハグする
Serena: I love you, B.(大好きよ、B)
Blair: I love you too, S.(私もよ、S)
[Blair leaves] ブレアが立ち去る
Gossip Girl: Spotted. At The Palace Hotel, S and B having a heart to heart. (発見。パレスホテルにて。SとBが(本心を話して)心を通わせてる様子)
NATE: Where have you been? (どこ行ってたんだ?)
CHUCK: I got tied up.(いろいろ手が離せなかったんだ)
NATE: You wouldn’t want to go back tonight, would you? I think I’m done here. I’m not a fan, to say the least.(今夜中に帰りたくないか?俺はもういいって感じ。控えめに言っても好きじゃない)
Serena: Yes, a gift idea for Dan… now that Vanessa got him the most thoughtful Dan-like present ever.(そうなの、ダンへのプレゼントをどうするか悩んでるの。。ヴァネットがもう最高にダン向けのプレゼントをしちゃったから)
Blair: Why don’t you just buy him a new outfit for Cedric and call it a day?(セドリックの新しい洋服でも買ってやってよしにすれば?)
Serina: Be nice and neutral and things will swing back to normal. You’re the Queen Bee, just let nature take its course.(優しくして中立を保って入れば、物事は正常に戻るわよ。あなたは女王蜂なんだから自然の成り行きに任せましょう)
この少し前のシーンで、セリーナが、「ほら、私のこと褒めてみてよ。髪の毛が綺麗だねって言ってみて Come on. Um, compliment me. Tell me my hair looks beautiful.」というのに対して
ブレアが「でも、あなたの髪汚らしいんだけど。ってか、ちゃんとシャワー浴びたの?But your hair looks disgusting. Did you even shower?」
Vanessa: You don’t strike me as a lesbian punk fan.(あなたはレズビアン・パンクのファンには見えないわ)
Nate: You know, I am almost offended by how much you underestimate me, Ms. Abrams.(エイブラハムさん、ずいぶん僕を過小評価しているね)
Vanessa: You like punk?(じゃパンク好きなの?)
Nate: Oh, I didn’t hear you s… You said “punk”? Cause you had me at “lesbian.”(ああ、聞こえなかった…「パンク」って言った?「レズビアン」しか聞いてなかった)
Vanessa: Oh, right. I didn’t see that one coming.(なるほど、そうくるとは思ってなかった)