シーズン1 第1話 Yankee White
PRESIDENT: Bobby, did those babybacks from PapaJoe’s make the flight?
BOBBY: Yes, sir, Mr. President. They were flown in from San Antonio ten minutes ago, sir.
PRESIDENT: Good. Let’s have an early lunch.
BOBBY: Yes, sir, Mr. President.
PRESIDENT (男性に向かって): I love the babybacks from PapaJoe’s.
MAN: I know, Mr. President.
PRESIDENT (ケイトに向かって): Wasn’t Major Kerry supposed to be handling the Football on this one?
KATE: He came down with the flu, Mr. President.
MAN: This is Commander Ray Trapp, Mr. President. He’s new on the detail.
PRESIDENT: Have we met before, Commander?
TRAPP: (大統領と握手する) Yes, sir. On the Abraham Lincoln, Mr. President.
PRESIDENT: Ah, the Lincoln. (シークレット・サービスの男性の方を向き) You know, the trip to the Lincoln was the best day I’ve had on this job. (トラップ中佐の方を向く) Why don’t you join me for lunch?
TRAPP: Be my pleasure, Mr. President.
PRESIDENT: Good, I’ll look forward to it.
KATE: Lunch with the boss on your first day. You’re destined for stars on those shoulders, Commander.
ケイトが大統領とは別の方向に向かって歩いていく。トラップ海軍中佐は座ったまま、大統領がいなくなった方向を見て、微笑む。そして、椅子の脇に目立たないように収納されていた大きな黒いブリーフケースに手を伸ばし、その上に手を置く。 エアフォースワンが離陸する。 客室乗務員が食べ物の入ったトレイを通路に運び、二人の間のテーブルに置く。先ほどの乗務員、ボビーが彼女の横を通り過ぎて、シークレットサービスのエージェントと話をしている。
BOBBY: Agent Baer, Agent Todd, would either of you like anything to eat? BAER: (顔を上げもせずに) No, thank you.
KATE: (笑顔で礼儀正しく) I’m fine, thanks. BOBBY: Very well.
BAER: I’ll be in the Comm. getting an update from Bowman. Keep an eye on things down here.
KATE: You expecting a problem, sir?
BAER: (彼女の方を向いて) Expect problems, Agent Todd. And with a little luck, you’ll never lose the President.
TRAPP: I fumbled in my first Army-Navy game, but (ブリーフケースを持ち上げる) I recovered the ball.
TRAPP: Ray Trapp. KATE: (握手する) Kate Todd.
TRAPP: (顔が赤く汗をかいている) Eating with the President was… a bigger sweat than… (ふらふらし始める) making a ni-night.
KATE: (心配そうに) Are you ill, Commander?
KATE (通信機に向かって): Slammer Rose for a medical emergency, section one.
BAER: What’s wrong?
KATE: I don’t know.
DOCTOR: What’ve you got?
FEMALE MEDIC: He’s not breathing.
DOCTOR: No pulse.
FEMALE MEDIC: Give me the bag.
KATE: Doctor! He just had lunch with the President.
DOCTOR: Oh my god!
BAER: Let’s go. (ケイトに向かって) You stay with the Football.
FEMALE MEDIC: Halt compressions, let’s check his pulse.
FEMALE MEDIC: There’s no pulse. Let’s get his shirt off.
彼女はハサミでトラップ中佐のシャツを切り始める。ケイトが心配そうに見守っている。 場面が切り替わり、ギブスの地下室 ギブスは手作りのボートの表面を熱心に削っている。テレビが静かに流れている中で電話が鳴る。彼はボートから離れて壁に取り付けられた電話に出る。
GIBBS: Yeah. Gibbs.
TONY (電話越しにギブスに向かって): A Navy commander carrying the Football on Air Force One just carked in the air.
GIBBS: (腕時計を見て) Where’d they land?
TONY: Wichita, Kansas. The President’s transferring to the backup bird.(パソコンの画面を見ながら) I booked us on a 15:00 United flight out of Reagan, stops in Dallas before going on to Wichita.
GIBBS: That’s the best you can do?
TONY: It’s Saturday, Gibbs. (コートを羽織る) You know, if we had our own jet…
GIBBS: We don’t. Ducky’s buds with coroners across the country. See if you can’t get one of them to hold the body until we can get there.
TONY: Alright.
NEWS ANCHOR (TV) : I’m Doris McMillon, with a CBS news update. We have just learned that Air Force One has made an unscheduled stop at Wichita’s mid-continent airport. Details are sketchy—
ギブスは2階に上がる前にテレビの電源を切る。 場面が変わって、空港。 ギブスとトニーが、客室乗務員たちの後ろにあるエスカレーターを降りてくる。トニーは両手にバッグを抱えているが、ギブスは小さなバッグ1つとコーヒーカップだけで身軽。
TONY: FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, even NYPD have private jets.
GIBBS: At 36 cents a mile. You wanna drive?
TONY: It’s humiliating.
GIBBS (警備員に向かって): We’re LEOs.
SECURITY GUARD: (笑いながら) Capricorn.
TONY: LEO, short for Law Enforcement Officer.
GIBBS: You new at this, (警備員の名札を読むために身を乗り出す) Dennis?
DENNIS: (うなずく) First week. (デニスがバッジをチェックしている間、ギブスは笑いをかみ殺している。) N.C.I.S…. never heard of it.
GIBBS (トニーに向かって小声で): That’s embarrassing.
DENNIS: NCIS? Anything like “CSI”? TONY: Only if you’re dyslexic.
DENNIS: Okay. You can go ahead and go around the, uh, metal detector, but your bags have got to go through the scanner.
GIBBS: Wait a minute, you’re letting us take weapons aboard, but you want to scan our bags? DENNIS: Well, you’ve got permits for the weapons but you don’t for the bags.
TONY (ギブスに向かって): We really need our own jet.
DUCKY (セキュリティゲートの反対側から): Dennis! Those bags are mine.
DENNIS: Ohh! (ギブスとトニーに向かって) Why didn’t you tell me you were subbing for the Doc? (笑顔) You’ve got a bag permit.
DUCKY (ギブスとトニーに向かって): Move it, men.
DUCKY: We don’t want to miss our flight.
CORONER: If J. Edgar Hoover was alive, I’d tell him what I’m telling you. This body is in Wichita County, and as County Coroner I have jurisdiction. No one moves it until the M.E. says they can.
FORNELL: Your jurisdiction doesn’t supersede the FBI on Air Force One.
KATE (隠れた後ろの席から割って入る): It’s not Air Force One, Agent Fornell. When the President departed on the backup plane, it became Air Force One. This is now Alpha Foxtrot 2900.
FORNELL: Don’t get into this pissing contest, Agent Todd. As you pointed out, the President’s gone – it’s no longer a Secret Service problem.
KATE: Look. This could be a natural death, or it could be a botched attempt to murder the President. Until I know which, it’s my problem.
CORONER: Uh, I don’t give a damn which one of you is boss. You ain’t moving this body until the M.E. says you can.
DUCKY: You talking about me, Elmo? ELMO: Ducky! How’d you like those steaks I air-expressed you? DUCKY: Ah, delicious!
FORNELL (小声でケイトに向かって): He “air-expressed” him steaks? KATE: It’s a big state. Look how long it took him to get here.
ELMO: Uh, Agent Fornell here is FBI. Agent Todd, Secret Service. Ducky, they’ve been fighting over this body like two hounds over a t-bone.
DUCKY: Well, it’s our t-bone for the moment.
GIBBS: All these LEOs are contaminating the potential crime scene.
DUCKY: Oh yes, my assistant’s right. Everyone who boarded in Wichita will have to evacuate the plane.
FORNELL: I’m not going anywhere.
DUCKY: Very well, you two can stay. But everyone else must deplane.
ELMO: Alright, you heard the M.E., let’s move it boys. Ducky, what do you think?
DUCKY (死体を確認して): No outward sign of trauma.
KATE: He was stricken after having lunch with the President.
TONY: Yeah, how is the President?
KATE: He’s fine. His physician cleared him to fly on to L.A.
GIBBS: What happened?
KATE: When the Commander returned from lunch, he had an equilibrium problem and his grip was too weak to hold his briefcase.
DUCKY: Did he gradually become ill, or was it sudden?
KATE: Sudden. He started to convulse and collapsed. The President’s physician believed that the Commander had a stroke.
TONY (メモを取る): Kinda young for a brain fart.
DUCKY: Looks like a natural death to me, Elmo. They can leave with the body as long as they sign releases.
FORNELL (エルモに向かって): Why the hell didn’t you say that?
ELMO: Couldn’t. Like I said, it’s the M.E.’s decision. Release forms are in my car.
FORNELL (ケイトに向かって): Let’s go. We can work out jurisdiction for Washington on the flight to Dallas.
ELMO: Ah, Ducky… about those soft-shell crabs?
DUCKY: Ah, you’ll have them by the weekend.
ELMO: Ten-four, partner. (立ち去る)
GIBBS: Tony, go hot. Show the pilot your credentials, get us the hell out of here.
GIBBS: Hey! (上を指しながら) Cockpit’s on the top deck.
TONY: I knew that.
GIBBS(死体の横にしゃがむ): Enjoy playing my boss?
DUCKY: (うなずく) I did, rather.
GIBBS: What do you think happened, Duck?
DUCKY: Good God, Gibbs, I barely met the deceased.
GIBBS: I think DiNozzo’s right. Naval aviator, stroking at his age?
DUCKY: He could have been born with an aneurysm. They’re timebombs in the body. I remember this young promising basso-perfundo in London. He was only 27 when he keeled over, in the middle on an Notaro aria—
KATE: Who the hell are you people? (ギブスに向かって) You’re no M.E. assistant (ダッキーに向かって) and there’s no soft-shell crab within a thousand miles.
DUCKY(ギブスに向かって): Sorry.
GIBBS(バッジを見せて): NCIS. We flew down here from Washington to take over the investigation.
KATE(憤慨した表情で銃から手を離す): First the FBI tries to muscle in, and now NCIS.
GIBBS: Yeah, well, I do believe this is a dead naval officer.
KATE: Who died on Air Force One, after having lunch with the President. It’s my job to protect him.
GIBBS: Okay, we can share jurisdiction. You can be on my team.
KATE: Your team? Why should you head the investigation?
GIBBS: You ever worked a crime scene, Agent Todd?
KATE: I am a Secret Service agent.
GIBBS: I thought not.
KATE: Well don’t dismiss me like that! Okay, I earned my jockstrap.
GIBBS: Yeah, does it ever give you that empty feeling?
KATE: What?
KATE: No. Like some species of frogs, I grow what I need. (満面の笑みを見せる)
DUCKY: Gibbs! Pilot won’t take off until the Secret Service chick gives us the (sees Kate, pauses a beat) thumbs up.
KATE: (ギブスに向かって) I think that just made it my team.
GIBBS: No. It means we’ll just have to hijack Air Force One. Tony, escort Agent Todd off this aircraft and close the hatch.
KATE : You’re not serious. Wait! (ギブスの後を追って階段を上る) Okay, okay! Your team, but only because I don’t want to delay us further by having to shoot you.
FORNELL: Damnit, Agent Todd, let’s get this show on the road!
TONY: Oh gosh, I’m sorry. We, uh, overbooked the flight. (ハッチを閉じる)
FORNELL: What the hell are you doing?
FORNELL: What’s going on? Stop!
FORNELL: Alright, do you know what the hell’s going on?
ELMO: Guess Ducky decided to take the body to Washington.
FORNELL: Why did your Medical Examiner take the body to Washington?
ELMO: I never said he was my Medical Examiner.
FORNELL: Then who the hell’s Medical Examiner is he?!
ELMO: Ducky? He works for NCIS.
フォーネルは飛行機の離陸をぼーぜんと見守る。 飛行機の中では、ギブスが通信室でNCIS長官のトム・モローとテレビ会議で話している。
DIRECTOR (通信機で): Did you have to literally slam the door in the FBI’s face?
GIBBS: There were more of them than us.
DIRECTOR(MTACにいる):There’s always more of them than us. You ever hear of interagency cooperation?
GIBBS: Yes, sir. I got the Secret Service Agent-in-Charge at Wichita to agree to share the investigation.
DIRECTOR: (驚いたように) Willingly?
GIBBS: Well, we could use a little backup when we land at Andrews.
DIRECTOR: Eh, that’s what I thought. We’re spread a bit thin, we’ve got no agents.
GIBBS: If the FBI gets this body, we won’t see an autopsy report until after they leak it to the Washington Post.
DIRECTOR: Then make sure they don’t get it. (ギブスがうなずく) Will this Secret Service agent stand up to the FBI?
GIBBS: I don’t know. She’s got balls.
KATE: Are you starting the autopsy?
DUCKY: Goodness, no. I’m just taking his liver temperature to corroborate the time of death.
KATE : The President’s physician declared him dead at 20:32 Zulu.
DUCKY: It never hurts to double check. (温度計が鳴る)
TONY (ケイトに向かって): Excuse me, you’ll need to stand clear so I can take measurements for my crime scene sketches, thanks.
KATE: Sketches? You’ve taken a dozen photos.
TONY (「エキゾチック・リゾート」というビキニのモデルが表紙に載っている雑誌を見せながら): Tell me her measurements.
KATE: Your pathetic.
TONY: No, I’m serious. Can you tell if she’s (雑誌を見てから) 5’4” in a 35-C, or 5’7” in a 36-D? You can’t, not from a photo. That’s why we do sketches, take measurements. (彼女を押しのけながら) Thanks.
DUCKY: I’ve got 19:50 Zulu, that’s nearly an hour earlier.
KATE: Well, then you miscalculated.
GIBBS: What’s the problem?
DUCKY: There’s apparently a discrepancy between my time of death and the President’s physician’s.
GIBBS: Log yours. (ダッキーは言われたとおりにする) Enough sketches, Tony. Agent Todd’s gonna give you a floor plan.
KATE: Oh, no, she won’t.
DUCKY: I thought your photo analysis was brilliant, Tony. But wasn’t 36-D a bit of wishful thinking?
TONY (雑誌をもう一度見て): You think?
GIBBS: What can you tell me about Commander Trapp?
KATE: I can’t give him Air Force One floor plans, they’re top secret.
GIBBS: Come on, I saw this in a Harrison Ford movie.
KATE: Well that’s Hollywood speculation, you’re asking for the real thing.
GIBBS: Isn’t the President’s head down here someplace?
GIBBS: Now this was in the movie! (会議室の中を見まわして、目当てと思われる机やいすを見つける) Yeah! Harrison was sitting right here.
KATE: I can’t risk those plans getting out on the Internet.
GIBBS: NCIS does not leak. These plans get out, you can shoot DiNozzo.
KATE: No, I think I’m destined to shoot you.
GIBBS: What about Commander Trapp?
KATE: Only met him this morning. He just received his Yankee White clearance and was Major Kerry’s backup. The major has the flu.
GIBBS (歩き去りつつも周りを見回す): We’ll have to get a Navy doc to verify that.
KATE: He’s got it. But go ahead, and waste a doctor’s time double-checking like your… Ducky. ギブスはロックされたキャビネットの前で立ち止まる。
GIBBS: This is where the terrorists got their weapons in the movie. (キーパッドをいじくり始める) KATE: Oh, that is as ridiculous as the President’s “escape capsule”. GIBBS: Anybody switch planes with the President?
KATE: The President was put on a separate plane. Everyone else boarded the backup excepts three stewards who were put in the Press cabin.
GIBBS: What’d you keep them for? (カーテンを開けて、客室乗務員に手を振る) Make coffee?
KATE: I may not know the finer points of investigating like sticking needles in liver or measuring swimsuit models, but I do know enough to hold the stewards who prepared and served the President’s lunch.
GIBBS: Hmm, okay.
KATE: You want to question––?
GIBBS: No, they’re not going anywhere. We’ve got a crime scene to investigate. Rule number one, never let suspects stay together.
KATE: Well I didn’t consider them suspects.
GIBBS: Why’d you hold them? (ラテックス製の手袋を渡す) Put these on.
KATE: My fingerprints are all over this aircraft.
GIBBS: Rule number two, always wear gloves at a crime scene.
DUCKY: I believe I know why there’s a discrepancy in the time of death. Now since the Commander had lunch with the President, I’m sure the President’s physician rushed to evaluate his condition. He also called Trapp’s time of death.
KATE: Yes, once he was sure the President wasn’t in medical danger, he returned and… He was gone nearly an hour.
DUCKY: Yes. I’m sure the autopsy will show that Commander Trapp expired almost immediately.
KATE: I owe you an apology, Doctor.
DUCKY: Oh, please, it’s Ducky to my associates. I’m just relieved we straightened it out. It’s inconsistencies like this to lead to conspiracy theories. It reminds me of a case once in New Orleans. A jealous husband shot his wife off a Mardi Gras float, right out of the clock at the corner of Bourbon Street.
GIBBS: Ah, doc, give it a rest. She’s got work to do.
DUCKY (歩き去るケイトに向かって): I’ll tell you the rest later!
GIBBS: Rule number three, don’t believe what you’re told. Double-check.
KATE: Should I write these rules in my Palm Pilot, or crochet them on pillows?
KATE : Oh no, I draw the line at him sitting in the President’s chair.
TONY (ギブスに向かって): He’s not using it.
KATE: Gibbs!
GIBBS (トニーに向かって): If you’re finished taking pictures, start bagging and tagging.
TONY: Just waiting for you, boss.
KATE: Bagging and tagging what?
GIBBS: Well, to start with (昼食を指しながら)… everything. (トニーが座っていた椅子を指さしながら) President was sitting there?
KATE: Pretty good bet, since it is his desk.
GIBBS: Okay, to maintain the chain of custody, take the item – in this case, Commander Trapp’s lunch – place it in the evidence bag. (言ったとおりに封をし、ラベルに内容を書く) Seal it, record all pertinent information, initial across the seal.
GIBBS: Okay, why don’t you try it?
GIBBS: Oh, wait a minute! Hey, wait! Wait a minute! Whoa! Stop! (トイレのドアのところで追いつき、彼女に正面を向かせて、証拠物を入れる袋を彼女の口元に押し付ける) In here, in here…
KATE: Can I rinse now that you’ve got your evidence?
GIBBS: Yeah, sure.
GIBBS: Log it. Go find Ducky.
TONY: You think she’s got whatever killed the commander?
ギブスは首を横に振るだけで何も答えない。トニーが出て行くとギブスは座って窓の外の雲の流れを見ている。 *大統領の集会の映像
ANNOUNCER: Please join me in welcoming President George W. Bush.
AGENT BAER : Don’t threaten me, Tom. I’m not in your food chain.
FORNELL: If NCIS does the autopsy, they’ll control the investigation. You want that?
BAER: Commander Trapp was a Naval officer, they have every right to do the autopsy.
FORNELL: Damn it Bill, they’re bush league. We have assets those cowboys can only salivate over.
BAER: Don’t underestimate NCIS.
FORNELL: Oh they’re good, at making drug busts and catching sailors who’ve jumped ship. But an attack on the President?
BAER: The President’s doctor thought that Commander Trapp had a stroke.
FORNELL: Maybe he did, but if he was poisoned… You want to put the man’s life in the hands of retread cops and ex-MPs?
BAER: If you withhold so much as a comma out of the report…
FORNELL: You’ll get copies of everything before the ink dries.
BAER: I’ll order Agent Todd to turn the body over to the FBI at Andrews, but I can’t control NCIS.
FORNELL: With us joined at the hip, all they can do is watch. And bitch. (電話を切る) We’re back in the ballgame.
場面がエアフォース・ワンに戻る ダッキーがソファに横たわるケイトを診察している。
DUCKY: Low temperature. I think it’s a stomach virus.
KATE: I know it is. Did you use that thermometer on cadavers?
DUCKY: Would you rather I use the liver probe?
GIBBS: Why you so sure it was the flu?
KATE: It’s the same symptoms Major Kerry had.
DUCKY: Did you work together recently?
DUCKY: Well if you didn’t work with him, then how…? Ah!
KATE: Did you think I was a virgin?
DUCKY: I’d… hoped not.
KATE: You gonna lecture me about sleeping with people you work with?
GIBBS: Nope.
COMM: Agent Todd, Agent Baer’s on a secure line for you.
GIBBS: You want me to take that call for you?
KATE: I’d have to be dead.
彼女が出て行くと、ギブスは笑いながら一人でうなずく。 一方、トニーはオフィスで客室乗務員に質問をしている。
TONY: And how long have you been on Air Force One?
CREWMAN: Five years, sir. Two with President Clinton, three with President Bush.
TONY: Alright. Well, thank you very much, Chief Steward.
GIBBS: What’d you get?
TONY: Ah, food security’s very tight. Incognito purchases, randomly selected stores. No one knows their buying for Air Force One.
TONY: Stewards usually prepare all the food, but today the President had ribs and coleslaw flown in from a smokehouse in San Antonio. So they only reheated them and served them.
GIBBS: Anybody else have ribs?
DUCKY: Gibbs, if the ribs were poisoned, then how come the President wasn’t affected.
GIBBS: Maybe he’s used to PapaJoe’s barbecue. If you two are through taking pictures of each other, maybe we can move that body out.
ギブスが去るとトニーとダッキーはお互いに顔を見合わせ目で合図する。 *場面が通信室に変わる ケイトが通信室で上司と電話で話している。シークレットサービスが大統領のために警護用の車列を準備している。
KATE (電話): I made a deal with NCIS to share the investigation, sir.
BAER: You’re not senior enough to make deals, Agent Todd. We’re working this with the FBI.
KATE: Sir, these NCIS agents are not just going to turn the body and the evidence over to the FBI.
BAER (運転手に向かって): Let’s go. (ケイトに向かって) NCIS had no right to use a local coroner to delay your departure.
KATE: You have to see it from their side.
BAER: Agent Todd, shut up and listen. I’m giving you a direct order. That’s our aircraft, everything living and dead on board is under Secret Service control. Turn the body over to the FBI at Andrews, or the only presidential detail you’ll get will be walking Spotty.
KATE: Where’s the body? GIBBS: I don’t know.
KATE: You move it to the off-ramp for a fast getaway?
KATE: It won’t work, Gibbs. I’ve been ordered to turn the body over to the FBI at Andrews.
GIBBS: You could stall them until we get off.
KATE: No, I can’t. I won’t defy a direct order. I’m sorry, Gibbs.
GIBBS: Never say you’re sorry. Ah, you don’t have to crochet that one.
CAPTAIN: Folks, please fasten your seatbelts, we’re beginning our descent into Andrews at this time.
ギブスもケイトもシートベルトを締め、飛行機が着陸する。 *高速道路を走るFBIの黒いSUVが映る。
FBI AGENT/DRIVER: Why’d you let NCIS have the evidence they bagged on the plane?
FORNELL: Since we have the body we control the investigation. If a few ribs and coleslaw saves some face, what’s it hurt? If the food was poisoned the President would—
DRIVER: Not mine, sir.
FORNELL: Not mine, either. TONY: Hello?
GIBBS (携帯電話の声): We’re in the clear, you can get out of the body bag.
TONY: I never thought I’d say this, but I’m not sure I want to.
GIBBS: Fine. You’ve got to search Commander Trapp’s apartment tonight.
TONY: Oh, Gibbs, come on! It’s 1:00am. GIBBS: Agent is trailing you to pick up the body bag when the FBI tosses it.
TONY: That’s funny, Gibbs. Real funny. Especially since— Aaahhh!
GIBBS: I guess they found him.
MTACの場面に移る NCIS長官がシークレットサービス、FBI長官とビデオ会議をしている。
NCIS DIRECTOR: Special Agent Gibbs has been operating under my direct orders.
SECRET SERVICE DIRECTOR: Agent Todd was also acting under orders.
FBI DIRECTOR: As was Agent Fornell.
NCIS DIRECTOR: Then the problem seems to be that my man succeeded where your two… didn’t.
SECRET SERVICE DIRECTOR: Tom, this is no time for turf wars. Not after 9/11. And especially when the President’s life may be at risk.
NCIS DIRECTOR: I’d like to think this is not about turf, Mark. Rather that we all believe we have the right people for the job. We shouldn’t be agency directors if we didn’t.
SECRET SERVICE DIRECTOR: You’re offering a shared investigation?
FBI DIRECTOR: Who leads? Your man?
NCIS DIRECTOR: We do have the body.
GERALD: I found Abby, she’s on the way in.
GIBBS: Yeah, did you wake her up?
GERALD: No, I called her on her cell. Sounded like one PHAT party.
GIBBS: Find anything Ducky?
DUCKY: Nope, and I won’t for hours. (腕を持ち上げ、拡大鏡で覗き込む) I’ve just begun examining the body for needle marks.
GIBBS: You think somebody stuck him?
DUCKY: I don’t know.
GIBBS: Anything on the uniform.
DUCKY: Not that I could see. I’ve sent it up to Abby.
GIBBS: (何かを見つける) What’s this?
DUCKY: (確認する) A mole. Gibbs, go home. Get some sleep. I would if I could, this is gonna take all night. What’s left of it.
GIBBS: Ducky, why would Abby go to a “fat” party?
DUCKY: Jethro, (頭上の灯りを消す)get some sleep.
TONY: Abby?
ABBY: Yeah?
TONY (証拠品が入った箱を運び入れる): Find anything on his uniform?
ABBY: Not yet.
TONY: Well, I think I found how he was poisoned.
TONY: This guy had enough vitamins, herbs, and organic food to open his own health market. If he was poisoned, I think you’ll find it laced into one of these.
ABBY (証拠袋のラベルに管理情報を記入する): So what are you gonna do while I’m finding poison in a healthy snack?
TONY: (あくびをする) I’ll wait.
ABBY: There’s a futon, by the cabinet over there.
TONY: (喜んで手をたたく) Oh, bless you.
ABBY: What are you, my priest?
TONY: Curse you?
*NCIS本部に場面が変わる。 ワイドスクリーンに映し出された遺体の脳スキャンを見せながら、ダッキーが黄色い点について説明をしている様子。ケイトとフォーネルを含め、全員が集まっている。
DUCKY: My neural pathology exam indicates that our victim succumbed to a cerebral embolism. Here, in the parietal lobe. I also found a number of clots, most of them centred in the renal artery.
KATE: Isn’t that unusual?
DUCKY: Oh, not at all. In most cases of arterial thrombosis, clots will develop over a period of minutes or hours, spread to the rest of the body.
GIBBS: But what caused them to develop in a healthy young aviator?
DUCKY: Abby? (アビーに話すように促す)
ABBY: Well I did a fibrinogen test. The procoagulant numbers were high, but they weren’t off the charts.
FORNELL: Any drugs that might induce the clotting?
ABBY: Well yeah, but none of those popped up. I only iso’ed the epinephrine that was injected when he got jolted and juiced on the plane.
TONY: No vitamins? Herbals?
ABBY: The guy was an organic freak. I mean, he probably whizzed green. But none of that’ll cottage cheese your blood.
KATE: Did you test the food that ingested on Air Force One?
ABBY: Everything that was bagged and tagged. Ribs, coleslaw, barby sauce… it was all negative for toxins. I mean, that stuff will kill ya, but it’ll take, like, thirty years. Do you dudes in the Secret Service ever think about throwing yourselves in front of the President’s diet?
FORNELL: So, you’re both saying he wasn’t murdered?
DUCKY: However freakish and tragic, it apparently was a natural death.
FORNELL: I want my people to check your results.
DUCKY: Of course. You and Agent Todd will be receiving copies of all our tests.
FORNELL: Does it for me. (トニーを見る) How’s your butt?
TONY: Still bouncing on the beltway.
GIBBS: Kate. (ケイトがガムを受け取る)When’s the President returning?
KATE: Uh, tomorrow. Noon. I’m flying back tonight to rejoin the detail.
GIBBS: Mind if I tag along? ケイトは曖昧にうなずく。
GIBBS: Please?
KATE: You can. Your Sig Sauer can’t. We have a rule: no weapons on Air Force One unless they’re Secret Service.
GIBBS (通り過ぎざまにダッキーとアビーに向かって): Keep looking.
ABBY: Wow. Gibbs said “please”. 場面が変わり、バーの中。 ケイトがケリー少佐と一緒に飲んでいる。
KERRY (グラスを上げて乾杯のポーズをとりながら): To Commander Trapp. (乾杯をして飲む)To come all the way through the war without a scratch and then die in a stroke… He was in the thick of it on the push to Baghdad.
KATE: You never told me that you knew him.
KERRY: We had a drink when he reported to the Whitehouse. He wanted to know what tips I could give him.
KATE: About the Football detail?
KERRY: Yeah. Where he could find a good gym. Dry cleaners. Grocery mart. Local watering hole.
KATE: Did you tell him about this place?
KERRY: No. He might have run into us and that wouldn’t have been good, would it? (takes her hand)
KATE: (彼らの手を見る) No, it wouldn’t. (slides her hand out from under his)
KERRY: Huh. He wouldn’t have run into us after tonight though, would he?
KATE: (ささやき声で) No.
KERRY: Worried about losing your job?
KATE: Worried about losing the President. When we work together my focus just wouldn’t be a hundred percent. I’m sorry, Tim. That’s the way it’s gotta be and you know it.
ケリー少佐はケイトが車に乗るまでエスコートし、車が走り去るのを見送った後、自分の車に乗り込む。大量の汗をかいているのがわかる。襟を引っ張るが、すぐに痙攣を起こし、口から白い泡を垂らして倒れる。 場面はエアフォース・ワンに切り替わる 大統領が飛行機に乗り込む。
PRESIDENT: Good to see you again, Major. (腕に抱いた新しいフットボールのケースを軽く叩く) Always good to see ya. (ベア捜査官に向かって) Folks, that was a job well done.
BAER: Thank you, sir.
PRESIDENT: What do you say we head home? BAER: Absolutely.
PRESIDENT: Alright. I agree. KATE (ベア捜査官に向かって): Sir? I’m surprised that you didn’t object to Agent Gibbs riding with us?
BAER: He’s here because his gut is still churning, isn’t it?
KATE: Yes, sir. I suppose you could put it that way.
BAER: Well so is mine.
ABBY: Ducky, I have tested everything. Mineral acids, organic acids, alkaloids, bacterial poisons…
DUCKY: You know, Abby, nature always proves to be a far more elusive and powerful killer than man.
ダッキーが去る。アビーは考え込む。 エアフォース・ワン 新しいフットボールの護衛官が昼食を食べている。ギブスは彼が食べるのを見守っている。
KATE (ギブスに向かって): Expect him to drop?
GIBBS: I see you’re over the flu.
KATE: Twenty-four hour bug. Tim got over it yesterday. Tim is Major Kerry.
GIBBS: Yeah. I kinda figured that.
KATE: I met him for a drink yesterday. I told him we had to stop seeing each other. I mean, we hadn’t been dating long. I mean, we knew each other on the detail for a couple of months before we started… dating. You know, when you’re on the job 24/7, how else do you get to know someone?
GIBBS: Church.
アビーのラボ アビーはフグなどの生き物が出す自然毒を調べていたが、検査結果は陰性だった。彼女はため息をつき、別のものを調べ始める。 場面は再びエアフォース・ワンに戻る
BAER: Annie.
BAER: The President’s ready to see you.
GIBBS: Where they going?
KATE: The President promised ten minutes to each member of the Press on board. Since we kicked them off at Wichita, he’s playing catch up.
GIBBS: Three years before 9/11, Clancy wrote a book where a terrorist hijacked a commercial jetliner and crashed it into the Capital. (プレスキャビンを覗く) In the Harrison Ford movie, the terrorists were reporters.
KATE: Gibbs, everyone on board has been vetted by us for years. Except you.
GIBBS: In the film, the terrorists got they’re credentials from a Secret Service turncoat.
MAN: Loosening up your dress code, Kate? KATE: He’s not one of us.
MAN: We all gonna get our fifteen minutes of fame?
KATE (彼を自分の席に戻す): It’s ten, Leonard, and the President’s doing his best.
アビーのラボ 機械が鳴るのを待つ間、アビーは指でハサミを回している。ヤドクガエルの検査もう陰性だった。 ケイトがケリー少佐と別れたバーの外の通り 警察が死体を発見し、連絡を受けたトニーが車で調査に向かう。
TONY (警察に向かって): Agent DiNozzo, NCIS. What do you got?
COP: One dead Marine officer. No signs of trauma. (財布を指す) Doesn’t appear to be a robbery, there’s still cash and credit cards in his wallet. (トニーに財布を渡す) I’ve got two shooting already this morning. Since this guy’s one of yours, I hoped you might take it.
TONY: Yeah. We’ll take him.
アビーのラボ ついに陽性の検査結果が出る。毒物は 「タイパン1」と判明。アビーは興奮して飛び上がる。 場面が変わり、再びエアフォース・ワン ギブスは機内を探索してうろうろしている。
GIBBS: There’s something different about this plane than Air Force One.
KATE: This is Air Force One.
GIBBS: You know what I mean.
KATE: There’s some minor differences. 2900 is newer, has some minor updates.
GIBBS: Like what?
KATE: Rear loading hatch is bigger on the 2900. Extra lavatory forward. Locks are digital on 29, and keyed on this.
COMM: Special Agent Gibbs, you have a teleconference call in Comm.
GIBBS: Kate, I want to know every difference on this plane, no matter how small you think it is.
KATE: Please?
GIBBS: What’s up?
TONY: Major Kerry is dead. D.C. cops found the body in his car on a street in Georgetown. Ducky and Abby’ll update you.
GIBBS: Another stroke, Duck?
DUCKY: I’m afraid so, Gibbs. But this time there are multiple embolic infarctions. The Major must have received a heavier dose than the Commander.
GIBBS: Dose of what, Abby?
ABBY: It’s venom, from a coastal taipan. It’s a highly toxic Aussie snake. Well this junk zaps the nervous system and it clots the blood. You convulse, and then you stroke.
DUCKY: The toxin is almost impossible to detect.
TONY: Well, the truth is, Abby would have detected it if I hadn’t interrupted her while she was ALSing the uniform.
GIBBS: The venom was in the uniform?
ABBY: Yeah. I found traces of DMSO in the collars and the cuffs. I think it was mixed with the venom to make it absorbed through the skin.
TONY: Major Kerry was the intended target. When he came down with the flu, he didn’t put his uniform on until yesterday.
GIBBS: How did the terrorist get the poison into the uniforms?
ABBY: Well, they both have tags from Dry Doc Cleaners on 19th Street.
GIBBS: DiNozzo, why are you sitting there on your ass? Get a team and go hit that dry cleaners. トニーはモローを見る。モローがトニーの席に座る。
DIRECTOR: I’ve passed that baton on to the FBI. This has all the earmarks of Al-Qaeda; unexpected, well planned, brilliantly executed. But to what end?
TONY: Wouldn’t surprise me to hear Bin Laden on Al-Jazeera bragging about how he iced the President’s Ball carriers.
DIRECTOR: I don’t think that’s what he wants to brag about.
GIBBS: Eh, neither do I.
GIBBS: Where’d you get your uniform dry-cleaned?
MARINE: Base cleaner at Quantico, sir.
KATE: I’ve accessed everything I could on the differences.
GIBBS: We need to talk. (オフィスのドアを開ける)
KATE: (阻止しようと) What are you doing? There’s a campaign conference going on in there.
GIBBS: I need to talk to you in private.
KATE: Well, there’s no other private meeting room. You could ask the President to give up his office, but it might be a little weird.
KATE: Hey! GIBBS: (ケイトの銃を奪う) Sit down.
KATE: What are you doing?!
GIBBS: (ケイトに銃口を向ける) Commander Trapp was poisoned. Australian snake venom. Hard to detect, mimics a natural death.
KATE: What? You think I did it?
GIBBS: Well, sweetpea, you were with him when he was poisoned.
KATE: Yeah, so was the President. You gonna accuse him?
GIBBS: No. He wasn’t with Major Kerry yesterday.
KATE: Tim?
GIBBS: Yeah. Stroked, on a Georgetown street.
GIBBS: You know, I bet it wasn’t far from the bar where you two kissed and said bye-bye. ケイトは泣きながら彼を殴り始める。動揺を隠せず取り乱している。しばらくすると彼の肩に顔を埋め、彼は彼女を抱きしめる。
GIBBS (説明を始める): I gave it to you cold, wanted to see your reaction. Liars can’t bail on cue. Come on.
KATE: You’re still a bastard. ギブスは反論しない。
KATE: How were they poisoned?
GIBBS: Dry cleaner laced their uniforms with poison. Must be an Al-Qaeda sleeper.
KATE: Tim must have recommended his dry cleaners, he…
GIBBS: What?
KATE: (また泣く) Yesterday, Tim told me that they had a drink and he gave Commander Trapp tips like that.
GIBBS: Well they’ve got to be after the President, but what would killing the Ball carrier give them?
KATE: Nothing. Another aide steps in.
GIBBS: And another plane. This plane. They forced the President to fly his backup.
KATE: Security’s exactly the same.
GIBBS: But the plane isn’t. And I’ll bet Security isn’t either until the President’s on board. Al-Qaeda has to have planted something on this plane.
KATE: It can’t be a bomb, they would have detonated it by now.
場面がプレスルームに移る ジャーナリストが痙攣を起こして床に倒れる。シークレットサービスが駆けつける。
SECRET SERVICE: Medical emergency, Press cabin.
BAER: Captain, is this the same thing Trapp had?
DOCTOR: It appears to be.
FEMALE MEDIC: (呼吸を確かめ) He’s not breathing.
BAER: Do something!
一方レナードは、ギブスが映画で見たと言っていたキャビネットに向かう。彼は鍵を持っていたようでキャビネットを開ける。中には武器が入っている。そこから彼は自動小銃を取り出す。 場面はトイレに戻る
GIBBS: You said the locks were different.
KATE: 29 has digital ones, this one has keys.
GIBBS: Armoury, the armoury. They have keys to the armoury. They copied the movie. They’ve vetted a reporter.
KATE: That would take years.
GIBBS: So did setting up 9/11.
KATE (通信機でのやりとりを聞いて): There’s a medical emergency in the Press cabin.
GIBBS: It’s a diversion. Cover the President.
KATE (フットボール護衛官に向かって): Nobody gets past you.
海軍のフットボール護衛官は通路の真ん中に陣取り、誰が来ても阻止する姿勢を見せる。 レナードはギブズが通り過ぎるのを待って、再び通路に出る。ギブスは武器庫に向かい、拳銃を手にする。レナードは通路の真ん中に立つフットボール護衛官に近づいていく。フットボール護衛官はレナードを迎え撃とうとする。
MARINE: Sir, stop right there. Stop right there, sir!
LEONARD: What’s happened?
GIBBS: Freeze!
GIBBS: Get your hands in the air.
LEONARD: (ゆっくり振り向く) Sure.
レナードは振り返ると、ギブスに向かって弧を描くように自動小銃を撃ち始める。ギブスは落ち着いた様子でレナードの胸に一発撃ち込む。レナードは尻餅をつく。もう撃てそうにはないがまだ指は自動小銃の引き金にかかっている。ギブスは彼の胸と頭にさらに2発撃ちこむ。レナードが倒れる。 みんなが何が起こったのか見に来る。ギブスは死体の横を通ってケイトに近づき、ニヤリと笑いながら自分の武器を渡す。
BAER: I’m gonna be doing paperwork for a week.
GIBBS: Oh yeah, me too.
BAER: Agent Todd told me about her and Major Kerry when she tendered her resignation.
GIBBS: Are you accepting?
BAER: Of course, she broke the rules. (手を差し出す) Well, thank you, Special Agent Gibbs.
GIBBS: (握手する) No sir, thank you.
GIBBS: I heard you quit, Agent Todd.
KATE: Happy news gets around fast. Yes, I resigned. It was the right thing to do.
GIBBS: Yup. Pull that crap at NCIS, I won’t give you a chance to resign.
KATE: Is that a job offer?
ギブスは何も答えず、迎えにきた女性が運転するコンバーチブルに乗り込む。ケイトは困惑した様子でそれを見守る。 *場面が変わり、ギブスの地下室 テレビのニュースで、フォーネル捜査官がエアフォースワンのある現地で記者会見をしている。
FORNELL (TV): Federal agents working in unison with the Secret Service were able to foil a terrorist attempt to assassinate the President while he was on board Air Force One. The body of the terrorist is being delivered to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, where FBI forensics experts will endeavour to identify him.
REPORTER (TV): Was it Al-Qaeda?
FORNELL: That’s all we know at this time.
KATE: But why did he go after Tony?(でもなぜトニーを狙ったの?)
GIBBS: He saw something tonight, something Major Sacco doesn’t want us to know about.(きっと今夜何かを見たんだ。サッコ少佐が俺たちに知られたくない何かを)
KATE: Then why didn’t Tony tell us?(じゃぁなぜトニーは私たちに言わなかったの?)
GIBBS: Because maybe he didn’t think it was important at the time?(たぶんその時はそれほど重要だと思わなかったんじゃないか?)
MCGEE: Have we heard anything from Agent DiNozzo yet?(ディノッゾ捜査官から何か連絡は?)
GIBBS: McGee, you’re late. Kate, bring him up to speed.(マクギー 遅刻だぞ。ケイト、状況を説明してやってくれ)
TONY: A whole hour for a lunch run, Probie?(新米、昼休みのランニングに丸々1時間か?)
MCGEE: Yeah, while Ziva and I were out, she asked me to show her the best routes to work. You know, her driving’s gotten a lot better. Barely broke any laws this time.(ジヴァと出かけた時に 通勤ルートを教えてくれと頼まれたんです。彼女の運転は格段に進歩しましたよ。 今回はほとんど法を犯しませんでした)
TONY: Let me get this straight. Ziva asked you, who can barely navigate the Navy Yard, to show her the best way to work?(ということは、 ジヴァは、海軍造船所内もまともに案内できないようなお前に通勤ルートを教えてくれって頼んだのか?)
MCGEE: That’s right.(そうです)
TONY: Well, what about me? I know every shortcut in the metro area. I could shave ten minutes off her commute like that!(じゃ、俺は?首都圏の近道を熟知してるぞ。彼女の通勤時間だって10分は短縮できるのに)
MCGEE: I don’t know what to tell you. (なんと言っていいか)
TONY: It doesn’t make any sense. Unless — maybe I intimidate her.(筋が通らないな。俺に怖気づいてるのかな)
MCGEE: Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.(そうなんじゃないですか)
TONY: I’ve seen it happen before. It’s a chemical thing. Hard to explain.(以前もこういうことがあった。相性の問題だな。うまく説明できないけど)
ZIVA: I do hope you try.(なんとか説明してみてよ)
TONY: I told you not to do that again.(それやめろって言っただろ)
ZIVA: Sorry. I was so intimidated in your presence, I must have forgotten. Seriously, Tony. I do apologize for not asking your advice on my commute.(あら、ごめんなさい。あなたの存在におびえてしまってうっかり忘れてしまったようだわ。まじめな話、トニー、通勤についてあなたにアドバイスを求めなくてごめんなさい)
TONY: Don’t worry about it.(気にするな)
DUCKY: Why is NCIS investigating this? (なぜNCISがこの件の捜査をしているんですか? )
GIBBS: They have reservations at the Barclay through November tenth. (彼らは11月10日までバークレイに予約を入れていた)
DUCKY: The Marine Corps’ birthday. (海兵隊の記念日か)
GIBBS: They’re holding the ball there. Hosted by the Commandant of the Marine Corps.(バークレイで記念パーティが開かれる。海兵隊の司令官が主催のな)
SHEPARD: Our top military leaders, Congressmen and Agency Directors will be there, including me. (私を含め、軍の指揮官、議員、あちこちの組織の責任者が参加するわ)
GIBBS: Tony and Ziva have taken their room reservations at the Barclay. They’re there now pretending to be these two. They’re working blind, Duck. (トニーとジヴァはバークレイの部屋を予約して、この2人になりすましている。情報が全然ない状態で潜入中なんだよ、ダッキー)
SHEPARD: We’re counting on you to fill them in on some of the more personal details of our couple. (だから、あなたから死んだカップルの個人的情報を彼らに伝えてほしいのよ)
DUCKY: Oh, though it may be common knowledge that I talk to my patients. Unfortunately, to date, none of them have ever answered me back. (私が遺体に話しかけるのは周知の事実だが、残念なことにまだ誰も返事をくれたことがない)
MCGEE: Hey, would you stop! I’m not going anywhere! (やめてください! 僕はどこにも行かない!)
TONY: Hey listen, man, I’m sorry. I just wanted to… (おい、悪かったよ。 俺はただ… )
MCGEE: I know. I know. I know you’re just trying to help. Tony, I’m not like you guys. You were trained as a cop. Gibbs was a Marine sniper. Kate protected the President of the United States. God only knows what Ziva did for Mossad. My background is biomedical engineering and computer forensics. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a field agent. (わかってます。慰めようとしてくれているのはわかってるんです。でも、トニー、僕はあなたたちとは違うんです。 あなたは警察官として訓練を受け、ギブスは海兵隊のスナイパーだった。ケイトはアメリカ大統領の護衛をしていた。ジヴァなんて、モサドで何をしていたかは神のみぞ知るってくらいに経験豊富。それに対して僕が学んできたのは、生物医学工学と電子情報の科学捜査。捜査官には向いていないんだと思います)
KATE: It’s not Air Force One, Agent Fornell. When the President departed on the backup plane, it became Air Force One. This is now Alpha Foxtrot 2900. (フォーネル捜査官、もうこれはエアフォース・ワンではありません。大統領が予備機で出発した時に、その飛行機がエアフォース・ワンになったのです。 これはただのアルファ・フォックストロット2900機です)
FORNELL: Don’t get into this pissing contest, Agent Todd. As you pointed out, the President’s gone – it’s no longer a Secret Service problem.(トッド捜査官、この口論には参加しないでくれ。君が指摘したように、大統領が飛び立った今、シークレット・サービスの問題ではなくなったんだ)
KATE: Look. This could be a natural death, or it could be a botched attempt to murder the President. Until I know which, it’s my problem.(いいですか。これは自然死かもしれないし、大統領暗殺の失敗かもしれない。どちらか判明するまでは私の問題です)
Tony: Are you studying to become a naturalized American citizen?(アメリカに帰化するために勉強しているのか?)
Ziva: I have to if I want to become an agent.(NCIS捜査官になるためにはそうしないといけないのよ)
McGee: Good for you, Ziva.(よかったね、ジヴァ)
Tony: Who says we want her as an American?(誰が彼女をアメリカ人にしたいと言ったんだ?)
Ziva: Who says you have a say?(誰があなたに発言権があるって言った?)
TONY: You haven’t fired your weapon, so it’s already cleaned.(撃ってないんだからもう綺麗だろ)
ZIVA: It calms my mind. Forces me to stay focused at the job in my hand. (こうしていると落ち着くの。「手の中の仕事」に集中できるのよ)
TONY: The term’s “job at hand.” (「手元の仕事」って言うんだよ)
ZIVA: Same difference. (大して変わらないわ)
MCGEE: Why? As you’ve pointed out many times, I’m just a junior field agent. (どうしてですか?何度も指摘されたように、私は単なる新人捜査官ですよ)
TONY: All the more reason you need the experience, Probie. (だからこそなおのこと経験が必要だろ、新米)
ABBY: He always gives new people grief. He learned that from Gibbs. Okay, quiz time. What’s your take on Sophie Ranier’s blood test? (彼はいつも新人に大変な思いをさせるのよね。ギブスから学んだのね。さて、クイズの時間よ。ソフィー・ラニアの血液検査に対するあなたの見解は?)
CHIP: Well, she’s got elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin. (ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピンの値が高くなっていた)
ABBY: Which means? (ということは?)
CHIP: She’s pregnant? (妊娠してる?)
MARCOS: We’re assassins. You know we can’t just walk away from the game when we feel like it. Hell, Don’t you think I’d rather be at my daughter’s fifth birthday than here?(我々は殺し屋だ。 気が向いたからと勝手にゲームから離れることはできないんだ。 こんなとこにいるよりも娘の5歳の誕生日会に参加するほうがいいに決まってるだろ?)
MARCOS: I haven’t decided yet. Give me the disk and we’ll see, play it by ear. (コードに向かって) If I’m not back in five minutes, kill him.(まだ決めてない。ディスクをよこせ。ここからは臨機応変にいこう。(コードに向かって言う)5分経っても俺が戻らなかったら奴を殺せ)
Ziva: I’m in the process of becoming a sworn NCIS agent.(正式なNCISの捜査官になるための手続き中なの)
Damon : Don’t you have to be an American citizen to join a federal agency?(連邦機関に入るにはアメリカ国民じゃないといけないんじゃないっけ?)
Ziva: I’m also in the process of becoming an American citizen.(アメリカ国籍を取るための手続き中もしているわ)
Damon : And I thought you had to be a legal resident for, you know…(でもそのためには、合法な居住者じゃないといけなくなかったっけ・・・)
Ziva: There are a few strings being tugged.(いろいろ裏で糸を引っ張ったのよ)
Tony: Pulled. Pull strings. (引く、だよ。裏で糸を引く)
TONY: Okay, I’m sorry. I’ve got… I’ve got to interrupt because …here’s the thing. I have a theory that actually has motive, which might be helpful. I don’t mean to belittle my colleagues’ efforts. I seem to feel Lance Corporal Danforth didn’t hit a deer. He hit Ducky’s John Doe. Stick with me here. He’s drunk, right? Wasted. Looking five to ten for manslaughter. So he switches the John Doe with his body, then skips town. Right? And then he has his buddy Corporal Merrill come along and torch the evidence. That’s how it happened. Pretty simple. (申し訳ないけど、横から口出しさせてもらいますよ。だって・・・まず、俺の説なら動機が明確です。仲間の努力を軽視するつもりはないんです。俺が思うに、ダンフォース兵長は、鹿を撥ねたんじゃなくて遺体の男を撥ねたんです。飲酒運転だったわけでしょ。かなり飲んでた。ということは飲酒運転による過失致死で刑期は5年~10年。だから、その身元不明の遺体を自分に見せかけて逃げたわけです。そして、友達のメリル兵長が証拠を隠滅した。これが真相ですよ。簡単な話です)
KATE: Sure looks like the work of our guy.(あの男の仕業のようね)
DUCKY:Well, I beg to differ, Kate. This young man was killed between two and three yesterday afternoon. The body has double lividity. The blood settles twice.(それは違うな、ケイト。 この青年が殺害されたのは昨日の午後2時から3時の間だ。 そして死体には二重死斑がある。血の沈殿が2回あったということだ)
GIBBS: He was killed someplace else and dumped here.(どこか他の場所で殺され、ここに捨てられた)
DUCKY: Precisely.(その通りです)
Abby: Well, wouldn’t Susan know? She was there, right? Are you guys sure that we can trust her, because I am not.(スーザンは知らないわけ?現場にいたんでしょ?彼女のこと信じられると思う?ってか私は信じてないわよ)
Ducky: And why, may I ask, is that?(それはどうしてかな?)
Tony: C’mon, Ducky. Everyone knows that Susan’s taken a little shine to McGee.(わかるだろ、ダッキー、みんなが知ってるとおり、スーザンはマクギーのことお気に入りだからさ)
Abby: That has nothing to do with it. McGee, he’s a capable investigator, but when it comes to matters of the heart he can be a bit… naive.(それは関係ないわ。マクギーは有能な捜査官だけど、恋愛となると、ちょっとウブなとこがあるから)
Ziva: Are you… talking from experience?(それは・・・経験から言ってるの?)
Abby: That’s classified. Just think about his last girlfriend. She tried to kill him!(それは秘密。最後の彼女を思い出してよ。マクギーのこと殺そうとしたでしょ!)
MORROW: Have you found any evidence connecting Ari to the murder of our two Naval officers?(殺された二人の海兵隊員とアリを結び付ける証拠は見つかったのか?)
GIBBS: No, we haven’t, Sir.(まだです)
MORROW: I will now hand you over to our federally certified protective custody expert, Agent Todd. I hear she used to protect the President. You should be flattered. (To Kate) He’s all yours. (To Gibbs) I expect you to follow her orders to the letter, as if they were mine.(これより君の身柄を連邦政府公認の警護エキスパートであるトッド捜査官に引き渡す。 彼女は以前大統領を保護していたそうだ。光栄に思うんだな。(ケイトに向かって)彼を頼むぞ。(ギブスに向かって)彼女の命令に忠実に従え。私からの命令だと思ってな)
MORROW: I would ask you to keep your suspicions to yourself.(疑念は胸にしまっておけ)
GIBBS: Can I ask why, Sir?(どうしてですか?)
MORROW: There may be other factors involved.(他の要因が関係しているかもしれない)
GIBBS: Like what, Sir?(例えば?)
MORROW: Currently, I’m not at liberty to discuss it.(今は言える立場にない)
GIBBS: I almost lost my entire team out there today. If there’s something I should know…(もう少しでチームの全員を失うところだったんですよ。私が知っておくべきことがあるなら・・・)
MORROW: This is not open to discussion, Agent Gibbs.(議論の余地はない、ギブス捜査官)
この後、ギブスがYes, Sir. You have a good evening, Sir. と言ってて、こんな礼儀正しいことを言うなんて、やはり軍隊出の人は指揮命令系統に忠実なんだなぁとしみじみ思いながら見てました。
FREEMAN: It’s four thirty. I think this guy’s a no show. The last two attacks were between noon and two. So I say we call it a day, Agent DiNozzo.(もう四時半になる。奴はきっともう現れないよ。過去2回の襲撃はお昼から午後二時の間だった。だからもうお開きにしよう、ディノッゾ捜査官)
TONY: Negative.(まだ駄目だ)
ABBY: Gibbs! George Mansur – Lambert’s ex-roomie? He’s online!(ギブス!ジョージ・マンスール、ランバートの元ルームメイトがネットに接続したわ!)
GIBBS: Where? (どこで?)
ABBY: I back-traced his I.P. address to the Key Bridge Cybercafe in Georgetown!(IPアドレスを追跡したら、ジョージタウンのネットカフェにいるとわかったわ)
GIBBS: Tony. McGee. You’re with me. Kate, phones. Abby, keep tabs on Mansur’s computer.(トニー、マクギー、いくぞ。ケイトは電話番を頼む。アビーはマンス―ルのコンピューターを監視してくれ)
GIBBS: Looks like we’re back to square one.(どうやら振り出しに戻ったようだな)
DUCKY: I don’t seem to have been much help.(なんだか私はあまり役に立てなかったようだね。)
余談ですが、このエピソードで亡くなった大尉の妻役の女性が、「デクスター」でデクスターの妻リタ役をやっていた人で、結構好きだったので久しぶりに見れて嬉しかったです 😛 海外ドラマ観ていると「あ、この人、あのドラマのOO役やってた人だ」っていうのが結構あって、それを発見するのも楽しいです。
Tony: This bothers you? (これってむかつく?)
Kate: No, what bothers me is that it doesn’t bother me anymore.(ううん、ってか何がむかつくって、慣れちゃってもうむかつきもしないことよ)
Tony: I’m an acquired taste. (俺って付き合うほど味の出るタイプだから)
McGee: Actually, it’s more like the Stockholm Syndrome. The emotional attachment to a captor formed by a hostage as a result of continuous stress and a need to cooperate for survival. (ってか、どっちかっていうと、ストックホルム症候群みたいものだね。人質が、長引くストレスと生き残らなきゃいけないって気持ちから、誘拐犯に対して愛着みたいな気持ちをもってしまうやつ)
ABBY: McGee, what are you doing here so early?(マクギー、こんな早くから何やってるの?)
MCGEE: I had an epiphany. A different way of tracking the SUV.(ひらめいたんだ。SUVを追跡する別の方法があるんだ)
普段はマクギーを新米扱いしてからかってばかりのトニーですが、ピンチの時にはやっぱり仲間を大事に思っていることがわかり、なんだかいいなぁと思いました 🙂
ABBY: Where’s my Caff-Pow?(私のカフェパウは?)
TONY: We’re sort of in a time crunch here, Abs. You’re going to have to do this one caffeine free.(時間がないんだよ、アビー。こればっかりはカフェインなしで頑張ってくれよ)
焦る中でも二人のほのぼのさがいいです 😉
KATE: The last time we were on a carrier, you were the one that got lost. Not me.
TONY: I wasn’t lost. I was momentarily disoriented.
KATE: Oh, like you were with Paula at Gitmo.
TONY: I’m not the type to kiss and tell, Kate.
KATE: It’s not like you to be discreet, Tony. She’s something special, isn’t she?
ケイトがいなくなってからすぐのNCISはなんか物足りなく感じましたが、段々とジヴァの存在が大きくなって自然と記憶のかなたに。。。 😐
Gibbs: Run it through AFIS and any other database you can think of.(AFISをはじめ、思いつく限りのデータベースを調べてくれ)
Abby: Done and done.(ばっちり完了)
GIBBS: What else did you get for me, Abs?(ほかには何がわかった?)
MCGEE: Well, whoever wiped his files did a really good job, because there is nothing left but fragments. Can’t Gibbs just break Connell in interrogation?(奴のファイルを消去したのが誰であれ、断片しか残ってないんだから、かなり優秀だ。ギブスの尋問でコーネルに吐かせられない?)
TONY: Not with a five hundred dollar an hour defense attorney breathing down his neck. Puts it on you, McGee. (時給500ドルの弁護人が間近で見張ってるから難しいだろうな。お前のせいだぞ マクギー)