Breaking Bad (ブレイキング・バッド)

Breaking Bad



Jesse: Yeah, but what if he’s faking it? You know, like, if it was me, I’d be all faking being knocked out, yo. And then, when the coast is clear, I’d be up looking for weapons and shit. Ready to pounce.(わかるけど、気を失ってるふりをしているとしたら?だって俺だったら、気を失ったふりをするね。そして、誰もいなくなったのを確認してから武器になるものを探す。戦う準備さ)No, see. Now, if it was me… …and I couldn’t find a decent enough weapon…I would just lie back down and bide my time.(で、俺だったら、まともな武器が見つからなかったら、そのまま気絶したふりをして、機が熟すのを待つね)

ここで出てくるwhen the coast is clearも面白い表現ですね。「周りに誰もいないことを確認したら、安全だということを確認したら」という意味のフレーズです。この表現はもともと、船で密輸する人たちが、警備が沿岸からいなくなるのを待つ、というところからきたそうです。




Skyler: Walt. I don’t know what to do. I’m a coward. I—I can’t go to the police, I can’t stop laundering your money, I can’t keep you out of this house, I can’t even keep you out of my bed. All I can do is wait. That’s it, that’s the only good option. Hold on. Bide my time. And wait.(どうしていいかわからない。私は臆病なのよ。警察には行けない。あなたのための資金洗浄もやめられない。あなたを家から追い出すこともできない。それどころかベッドから追い出すことすらできない。私にできるのは待つことだけ。それが私に与えられた唯一の選択肢。ただじっと、その時がくるのを待つだけ。)

Walter: Wait for what? What are you waiting for?(何を?何を待っているんだ?)

Skyler: For the cancer to come back.(あなたの癌が再発することを)






Jesse:Your freaking wife told me when she was here all up on my shit! Yeah, that’s right. She almost caught me moving Emilio! Good job on wearing the pants in the family!(あんたのおっかない奥さんがここに来たときに話してくれたよ。そうだよ、もう少しでエミリオを動かすところを見られるとこだったんだぞ!亭主関白様様だな!)

Good job on~と、褒めてるような言い方ですがこれは単なる嫌味です。





HANK: You know, I couldn’t agree more, guys. Gustavo Fring, blue meth…Whole thing is off-the-map nuts. I ought to be wearing a tinfoil hat, you know? Except I can’t seem to wrap my mind around this one little thing, and that is, what are Gustavo Fring’s fingerprints doing in Gale Boetticher’s apartment?(まったくその通りだ。グスタボ・フリング、ブルー・メス…全てが常軌を逸している。俺は頭がいかれてるのかもな。でもな、1つだけ、どうしても理解できないことがあるんだ。一体なんでゲイル・ベティカーのアパートにグスタボ・フリングの指紋があるんだ?)






Walter: One pound is not going to cut it. You have to take two.(1パウンドじゃ足りない。取引は2パウンドからだ)

One pound is not going to cut it.




Walt: My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt. I am speaking to my family now.  Skyler…you are the love of my life. I hope you know that. Walter, Junior…you’re my big man.  There are…There are going to be some…things… things…that you’ll come to learn about me in the next few days. I just want you to know that no… no matter how it may look, I only had you in my heart. Good-bye.

Sky: Happy Birthday.

Walt: Look at that.

Sky: That is veggie bacon. Believe it or not. Zero cholesterol. You won’t even taste the difference. What time do you think you’ll be home?

Walt: Same time.

Sky: I don’t want him dicking you around tonight. You get paid till 5, you work till 5, no later.

Jr.: Hey. Happy Birthday.

Walt: Well, thank you.

Sky: You’re late… again.

Jr.: There was no hot water… again.


Sky: I have an easy fix for that. You wake up early, and then you get to be the first person in the shower.

Jr.: Huh, I have an idea. How about buy a new hot water heater?  How’s that idea? For the millionth and billionth time.

Sky: Did you take your Echinacea?

Walt: Yeah. I think it’s getting better.

Jr.: What the hell is this?

Sky: Hey.

Walt: It’s veggie bacon. We’re watching our cholesterol, I guess.

Jr.: Not me. I want real bacon. Not this fake crap.

Sky: Too bad. Eat it.

Jr.: This smells like Band-aids.

Sky: Eat… it.

Jr.: So, how’s it feel to be old?

Walt: How does it feel to be a smart ass?

Jr.: Heh. Good.

Walt: Eat your veggie bacon.

Walt: You all set?

Jr.: Yeah, I’m fine.

Walt: All right, see you at home.

Jr.: Okay, see you.

Walt: Chemistry. It is the study of what? Anyone?  Ben.

Ben: Chemicals.

Walt: Chemicals! No! Chemistry is…Well, technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change. Now just…just think about this. Electrons. They…change their energy levels. Molecules. Molecules change their bonds. Elements. They combine and change into compounds. Well, that’s…that’s all of life. Right? I mean, it’s just…It’s the constant. It’s the cycle. It’s solution, dissolution, just over and over and over. It is growth, then decay, then transformation. It is fascinating, really. 



Walt: Chad…Is there something wrong with your table?  Okay. Ionic bonds… (チャドがガラガラ大きな音を立てながら椅子を引きづって自分の席に戻る)Are you done? Ionic bonds. Chapter 6.


Walt: And 2, 3 makes 10, and 10 makes 20. Here’s your receipt, and hand this claiming disc to your car wash professional. Thank you. Come again.

Bogdan:  He’s not coming. He said he quits. I’m gonna run the register.

Walt: Bogdan, no. We talked about this.

Bogdan:  I’m shorthanded, Walter. What am I to do? Walter? What am I to do?

Chad: Hey, Mr. White! Make those tires shine, huh?

Chad’s girlfriend: Oh, my God. You would not believe who’s cleaning Chad’s car. Mr. White..from Chemistry.

All: Surprise!

Jr.: Happy Birthday, Dad!

Sky: You’re so very late.

Carmen: Really, I’m serious, Skyler. I mean, you’re flat as a washboard. You look awesome. She’s not showing at all, is she?

Marie: She’s showing a little.

Sky: Carmen, this is my sister Marie.

Carmen: Nice to meet you.

Marie: Hi.

Hank: Glock 22. It’s my daily carry, okay? I mean, unless you’re talking, what, plus P plus loads, you can forget the 9-mil, all right? I seen one of those bounce off a windshield one time.

Gomes: Yeah, the way you shoot.

Hank: Hey. If you’re gonna bring a gun, baby, you gotta bring enough gun. Forty caliber.

Jr.: This is awesome right here.

Hank: Nice, isn’t it?

Jr.: Dad, come check this out.

Walt: Yeah, I see it.

Jr.: Come on, take it.

Hank: Check it out, Walt.

Walt: No, no, it’s just heavy.

Hank: That’s why they hire men. It’s not gonna bite you, all right? Looks like Keith Richards with a glass of warm milk, doesn’t he? Hey, Walt. Everybody listen up, listen up, listen up! I’m gonna give a toast. A little toast to my brother-in-law. Come here. Walt, you got a brain the size of Wisconsin, but we’re not gonna hold that against you. Because your heart’s in the right place, man. Your heart’s in the right place. We love you, man. We love you. Everybody! To Walt! Na zdorovje!

All: Na zdorovje!

Walt: Oh shit, turn on Channel 3.

Hank: At which point we apprehended three individuals and placed them into custody. I’m proud to say the outstanding professionalism of my fellow agents at the Albuquerque District Office resulted in a substantial amount of methamphetamine being taken off the streets.

Reporter: Were any shots fired?

Hank: No, ma’am. Our agents took the suspects by surprise.

Gomes: Damn, the TV does add ten pounds.

Marie: Ten pounds?

Hank: Hey, sit and spin. Both of you.

Sky: Hank.

Hank: What?

Hank: Sorry. You didn’t see that.

Sky: So charming.

Hank: This is clearly an ongoing operation, one which was well organized…

Walt: Hank, how much money is that?

Hank: It’s about 700 grand. That’s a pretty good haul, huh? As I say, it’s a good day for the citizens of Albuquerque when we can put this big a dent in the local drug trade.

Walt: But that’s unusual, isn’t it, that kind of cash?

Hank: Well, it’s not the most we ever took. It’s easy money…until we catch you. Walt, just say the word and I’ll take you on a ride-along. You can watch us knock down a meth lab. Get a little excitement in your life.

Walt: Well, someday.



Walt: Which one’s this?

Sky: Um, that faux-Lalique vase I picked up at the Super-Swap.

Walt: Oh. How’s it doing?

Sky: I met my reserve, and there’s still two minutes.

Walt: Mm. What’s up?

Sky: You tell me, birthday boy. Oh, hey, so what’s up for Saturday?

Walt: Car wash. Bogdan says he needs me.

Sky: Until what time? Noon? 1-ish?

Walt: Probably 2, more like it.

Sky: And then what after that?

Walt: Um, actually…I was thinking of driving up to Los Alamos. The visitor center has an exhibit on…It’s really supposed to be…

Sky: You’re not gonna paint?

Walt: No, I’ll paint. It’s just that this…part of this exhibition on the…Mars Rover photographs are…The detail really is just supposed to be amazing.

Sky: It’s just that I really need you to paint at some point. I mean, the sooner that back bedroom gets finished.

Walt: I know.

Sky: And I’d do it myself, except you said you don’t want me standing on the stepladder.

Walt: I’ll paint. I will paint.

Sky: Okay….What is going on down there?

Walt: No, it’s just…

Sky: Is he asleep?

Walt: No, It’s nothing. You know, just…You know, we gotta be careful about the baby.

Sky: Don’t worry about the baby. This is just for you. We are just doing you tonight. So just close your eyes. Relax, and let it…- Close your eyes.

Walt: Oh, okay.

Sky: There you go. That’s it. That’s it. There you go. Keep it going. Keep it going. Keep it going. Keep… Yes! 56! Oh!

(場面:洗車場 ウォルトが気絶する。気が付くと救急車の中)
Walt: This is so embarrassing. I am fine. Honestly. It’s just some bug going around. First my wife had it, then my son, and now me. It’s just like a chest cold. Could be some low blood sugar as well. I didn’t have the greatest breakfast this morning, honestly. Hey, listen, can you do me a favor? Can you just…drop me off at a corner somewhere?

Paramedic: No. Sorry.

Walt: It’s just that I don’t have the greatest insurance.

Paramedic: Take a couple of deep breaths for me. Is there anybody you want us to contact for you?

Walt: God, no.

Paramedic: Lean forward for me, would you? Mr. White, are you a smoker?

Walt: No. Never. Why do you ask?

Doctor: Mr. White. Mr. White?

Walt: Yes.

Doctor: You understood what I’ve just said to you?

Walt: Yes. Lung cancer. Inoperable.

Doctor: I’m sorry…I just need to make sure you fully understand.

Walt: Best-case scenario, with chemo, I’ll live maybe another couple years. It’s just…you’ve got mustard on your…Right there. Mustard, there. Right there.

(場面:自宅 スカイラーは電話中)

Sky: So my records show that I paid it, and I certainly don’t feel that we owe any late…All right. Well, I’ll check with the bank and maybe the post office, if they lost it or something. Yeah, let me look into that. Okay. Thank you.


Sky: Hey.

Walt: Hey.

Sky: Did you use the MasterCard last month? 15.88 at Staples?

Walt: Um, we needed printer paper.

Sky: Walt, the MasterCard’s the one we don’t use.

Walt: Okay.

Sky: So how was your day?

Walt: Oh, you know.  I don’t know. It was, um…It was fine.



Bogdan:   Hey, Walter. Walter. Walter. Tomorrow night. I’m shorthanded.  I need you outside to do wipe-downs. Come on.

Walt: What?

Bogdan:   I said I need you outside to do some wipe-downs. Are you here to work or to be staring at the skies? Come on, let’s go. Come on, man.

Walt: Fuck you, Bogdan.

Bogdan:  What?

Walt: I said fuck you! And your eyebrows! Wipe down this!

(場面:夜明け 自宅の庭で電話をかけている)
Walt: Uh, Hank. Hank, it’s Walt. Hey. Oh, listen…I didn’t wake you, did I? Oh, good, good. No, no, nothing’s wrong. I just, uh…I’ve been, uh, thinking about that offer..that ride-along.

Hank: It’s the last house on the right. See it? Not the two-story one. The one next to it. The kind of… I don’t know, what do you call that? Uh, green?

Gomes: Sage.

Hank: Sage? What, do you work at the fucking Pottery Barn?

Gomes: Sage. That’s the word for it. My fault the only word your dumb ass knows is green?

Hank: “Cheese dick.” I know that one. How about that? Anyway, it’s the sage one.
See it?

Walt: So what tells you it’s a meth lab?

Hank: Star snitch says some dude goes by Cap’n Cook lives up to his name in there. Says he always adds a dash of chili powder. Ah, you exuberant Mexicans.

Gomes: Uh-uh. Captain Cook? That’s a white boy’s name. Dopey as hell, too.

Hank: Yeah? Tell you what.  I got 20 bucks that says he’s a beaner.

Gomes: All right.  You’re on.

Hank: All right, come on, come on. All right. School bus is clear. Got the green light.

DEA agent: Copy that.

Hank: Watch this. This makes ‘em shit.

DEA agents: Go, go, go.

Hank: Meth labs are nasty on a good day. You mix that wrong, you got mustard gas.

Walt: Phosphine gas. I think.

Hank: Yeah, exactly. One whiff will kill you. That’s why the respirators.

DEA agents: House is clear. One suspect in custody.

Hank: Copy that. The suspect, might he be of the Latino persuasion?

DEA agent: Driver’s license says Emilio Koyama.

Gomes: Asian! Pay up, sucker.

Hank: First name Emilio. That’s at least half a beaner. Tell you what, I’ll let you off for a 10. Cheer up, Gomey. You people still got J. Lo.

Walt: Hank, do you think I might get to go inside? See the actual lab?

Hank: Yeah. Yeah, I tell you what, we’re gonna go peek our heads in, check it out first. Stay here a minute.

Walt: God. Oh, my God. Pinkman?

(場面:夜 ジェシーの家の外)
Walt: Hey uh, it’s me. I’m alone.

Jessie: How’d you find me?

Walt: You’re still in our filing system. So your aunt owns this place, right?

Jessie: I own it.

Walt: No one’s looking for you.

Jessie:  Why are you here?

Walt: I was curious. Honestly, I never expected you to amount to much, but methamphetamine? I didn’t picture that. There’s a lot of money in it, huh?

Jessie: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Walt: No?

Jessie: Not a clue.

Walt: Cap’n Cook? That’s not you? Like I said, no one is looking for you.

Jessie: Look, I don’t know what you think you’re doing here, Mr. White. I mean, if you’re planning on giving me some bowl winder about getting right with Jesus by turning myself in…

Walt: Not really.

Jessie: High school was a long time ago. You ain’t Welcome Back Kotter, so step off. No speeches.

Walt: Short speech. You lost your partner today. What’s his name? Emilio? Emilio is going to prison. The DEA took all your money, your lab. You got nothing. Square 1. But you know the business. And I know the chemistry. I’m thinking…maybe you and I could partner up.

Jessie: You want to cook crystal meth? You? You and, uh… and me?

Walt: That’s right. Either that…or I turn you in.

Marie: What the hell is this?

Sky: Damned if I know. I described it as mosaic folk art.

Marie: Somebody bought it?

Sky: Yeah, some guy in Minneapolis. $14.00 plus shipping. Yes!

Marie: At this rate, in 50 or 60 years, you’ll be rich. So how goes the novel?

Sky: It’s not a novel, actually, which I have…

Marie: You’re not writing a novel? You told me you were.

Sky: No. Short stories. I said that if eventually I have enough good ones that maybe I’ll try and..publish another collection.

Marie: Those really didn’t sell. I just thought a novel would be easier to sell.

Sky: Yeah, well, maybe so.

Marie:  Ever want me to read anything, I could critique it for you.

Sky: Oh…No. I mean, I’m not at that stage where I… No.

Marie: Open offer. So what’s up with Walt lately?

Sky: What do you mean? He’s fine.

Marie: He just seems, I don’t know…quieter than usual.

Sky: Turning 50 is a big deal. I mean, I’m sure as hell not looking forward to 40. You’re gonna be a complete basket case.

Marie:  So it’s mid-life crisis.

Sky: No, he’s just quiet.

Marie: How’s the sex?

Sky: Marie, Jesus.

Marie: Guess that answers that.

Walt: You just gonna sit there? This. Look at this. Kjeldahl-style recovery flask, 800 milliliters. Very rare. You got your usual paraphernalia, Griffin beakers, your Erlenmeyer flask. But the piece de resistance, a round bottom boiling flask, 5,000 milliliters.

Jessie: Well, I cook in one of those. A big one.

Walt: One of these? No, this is a volumetric flask. You wouldn’t cook in one of these.

Jessie: Yeah, I do.

Walt: No, you don’t. A volumetric flask is for general mixing and titration. You wouldn’t apply heat to a volumetric flask. That’s what a boiling flask is for. Did you learn nothing from my chemistry class?

Jessie: No. You flunked me. Remember?

Walt: No wonder.

Jessie: Prick. Now let me tell you something else. This ain’t chemistry, this is art. Cooking is art. And the shit I cook is the bomb, so don’t be telling me.

Walt: The shit you cook is shit. I saw your setup. Ridiculous. You and I will not make garbage. We will produce a chemically pure and stable product that performs as advertised. No adulterants. No baby formula. No chili powder.

Jessie: No, no, chili P is my signature.

Walt: Not anymore.

Jessie: Yeah, well, we’ll see about that.  What the hell is this?

Walt: Lab safety equipment. We’re also gonna have an emergency eye wash station. These chemicals and their fumes are toxic, in case you didn’t know that.

Jessie: Well, you can dress up like a faggot if you want. Not me. Listen, this stuff doesn’t stay more than a day.

Walt: What? I thought we were gonna cook here.

Jessie: No, we’re not gonna cook here. Okay, this is my house. I don’t shit where I eat.

Walt: Well, then, where are we gonna work?

Jessie: You tell me. This is your deal, man. You want to smoke it up, smoke it up at your house. Nah, I didn’t think so. Oh, well.

Walt: Well…what if we rented one of those self-storage places, you know, those little orange garages, worked out of there?

Jessie: No. They’re on to that. They got dogs that sniff around. RV. That’s what you want.

Walt: What, like a Winnebago?

Jessie: Yeah. I know a dude who wants to sell his. He just goes camping with it. But a mobile meth lab? That’d be the bomb. I mean, driveway out in the boonies. Be all evasive.

Jessie: Dude, this isn’t even 7 grand, all right? My guy wants 85.

Walt: This is all the money I have in the world. You’re a drug dealer. Negotiate.

Jessie: You are not how I remember you from class, I mean, like, not at all.

Walt: I gotta go.

Jessie:  Wait, wait. Hold on. Tell me why you’re doing this. Seriously.

Walt: Why do you do it?

Jessie: Money, mainly.

Walt: There you go.

Jessie: Nah, come on! Man, some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, all of a sudden at age, what, 60, he’s just gonna break bad?

Walt: I’m 50.

Jessie:  It’s weird is all, okay? It doesn’t compute. Listen…if you’ve gone crazy or something…I mean, if you’ve…
if you’ve gone crazy or depressed, I’m just saying…that’s something I need to know about. Okay? I mean, that affects me.

Walt: I am awake.

Jessie: What?

Walt: Buy the RV. We start tomorrow.

Sky: How’s it coming in there?

Jr.: Fine.

Sky: Do you want me or your dad?

Jr.: Dad.

Sky: So how are those feeling in the waist? Are they too tight? ‘Cause you don’t want to get ‘em if they’re too tight.

Jr.: They’re pre-shrunk.

Sky: Are you sure you don’t want to get a different kind. Like, you know, the skinny jeans? Those are really supposed to be in style now. The skaters wear them.

Jr.: Do I look like a skater?

Sky: All right.

Bully: Mom, look at my big-boy pants. Mommy, could you zip up my big-boy pants?

Walt: Don’t.

Sky: What?

Walt: Don’t.

Sky: Walt.

Jr.: Where…

Sky: I have no idea. No. You know what? Don’t even look at them. They’re obviously very stupid. Yeah. I think that, um…I think those jeans look really good on you. You should get ‘em if you like ‘em, okay? Why don’t you just hang out here for a second? I’ll be right back.

Jr.: Fine.

Bully: Mommy, I think I pinched a loaf in my brand-new big-boy pants.


Bully: What are you doing?

Walt: What’s wrong, chief? Having a little trouble walking?

Bully: Get off me. Get off me! I’ll mess you up, man.

Walt: Well, you’ll have one shot. You better make it good. What, are you waiting for your girlfriends? You better go. Take it. Take your shot. Take it! Come on. Come on.

Bully’s friends: Come on, let’s get outta here. Let’s go.

Bully: Psycho.


Jessie: Yeah, nothing but cows! Got some big cow house way out that way, like 2 miles, but I don’t see nobody.

Walt: Cow house?

Jessie: Yeah, where they live. The cows. Whatever, man. Shit. Yeah, let’s cook here.

Walt: Cow house. God help me.

Jessie: Ah..What are you doing?

Walt: These are my good clothes. I can’t go home smelling like a meth lab.

Jessie: Yeah, you can. I do. Those? Those, uh…You’re keeping those on, right?

Walt: Come on. Daylight’s burning.

Jessie: Oh, my God.


Jessie: Oh, this is, uh…this is a good look for you. And you’re maybe only the world’s second biggest homo.

Walt: Would you shut up and help me?

Jessie: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, work it. Baby, work it.

Walt: Turn that off!


Jessie: This is glass-grade. I mean, you got…Jesus, you got crystals in here 2 inches, 3 inches long. This is pure glass. You’re a goddamn artist. This is art, Mr. White.

Walt: Actually, it’s just basic chemistry, but thank you, Jesse. I’m glad it’s acceptable.

Jessie: Acceptable? You’re the goddamn Iron Chef. Every jibbhead from here to Timbuktu is going to want a taste. Now I gotta… gotta try this.

Walt: No. No. No, we only sell it. We don’t use it.

Jessie: Okay, since when? Listen, you’ve been watching way too much Miami Vice. That ain’t happening.

Walt: So… what now? How do we proceed?

Jessie: We cook more tomorrow. Meantime…I know just the guy to talk to.


Jessie: Kraze, how you doing, my man? You got a new dog. Right on, man. What’s his name? Yeah, I had a dog like that once, except maybe, like, twice as big. Super purebred. Now, me personally, I would train him to go straight for the nuts…

Krazy 8: Just shut your mouth and show me your money.

Jessie: I ain’t buying, ese. I’m selling.  Tell me that ain’t the finest scante you ever laid eyes on. Go ahead, try it. Hey, poochie. How you doing?  Jesus Christ. Yeah. Booya! See? What’d I say?

Krazy 8: It’s all right.

Jessie:  It’s all right? It’s all right? Yeah, it’s all right.

Krazy 8: So, what? You back in business?

Jessie: Hell, yeah, I’m back. With a vengeance. Vato loco gotta make a living. You know, with your cousin gone away and all. And listen, homes, about that. It really broke me up about Emilio. That dude is like my brother. He okay? You talk to him?

Krazy 8: Yeah, yeah, I talked to him. He said when the Feds came, you were out sticking it in some neighbor lady.

Jessie: Hey, you know, I got lucky twice. I don’t know, man. Emilio…He thinks maybe you dimed on him.

Jessie: That is bullshit. That is bullshit, Krazy-8! I should kick his punk ass for even thinking that. You know what? Next time you talk to Emilio, you tell him for me, all right?

Krazy 8: Why don’t you tell him yourself? Made bail this morning.

Emilio: Go ahead, pendejo. Kick my ass.

Jessie: Hey, listen…

Krazy 8: Where did you get this? Because I know your little punk ass didn’t cook it.
(ウォルトに会うため、砂漠までクレイジー8とエミリオがやってきた) Hey, man. You some kind of nudist? That’s some stone-fine tick tick you been cooking there, ese. How about you come work for me?

Walt: I’d be willing to sell it to you if…the price is right.

Krazy 8: You out here all by yourself, huh?

Emilio: I know you. He was there when I got busted. He’s with the DEA!

Walt: No.

Emilio: You rata snitch motherfucker!

Jessie: Run, Mr. White! Run!

Emilio: I say we cap ‘em both.

Krazy 8: Hey, you really cook up that batch?

Walt: Yeah.

Krazy 8: You an artist. It’s a damn shame.

Walt: Wait! Wait a minute. Listen to me. I’ll teach you my recipe. What do you say? You want to cook like me? You let us both live…and I will teach you.

(場面:キャンピンクカーの中 ウォルトがメスづくりを始めようとしている)
Walt: Put the cigarette out. Please.

Krazy 8: Move it, homes. We ain’t got all day.

Walt: Okay.





Jessie: What happened? What’d you do to them?

Walt: Red phosphorus in the presence of moisture and accelerated by heat yields phosphorus hydride. Phosphine gas. One good whiff and…(threw up on the road) We gotta…We gotta… clean this up.


Sky: Where were you?  Walt. I don’t know what’s been going on with you lately, but…

Walt: Nothing. I’m fine.

Sky: Whatever it is…I’ll tell you this. I do not like it when you don’t talk to me. The worst thing you can do is shut me out. Walter, is that you?