ご存じのとおり、「the+比較級, the+比較級」とは、「…すればするほど、…になる」をあらわす構文ですよね。
まずは、「the 比較級, the better」が使用されたセリフから。
シカゴ・メッド (Chicago Med)
April Sexton: Mr. Foster, heparin is a blood thinner, which means it will also significantly worsen the bleeding in your brain. Instead of weeks to live, you’ll have only hours.
Gary Foster: Weeks weren’t much, but… That gave me time to say goodbyes. Hours, though.
Ethan Choi: Mr. Foster, if we’re gonna start the heparin…
Gary Foster: The sooner, the better.
Ethan Choi: Yeah.
デスパレートな妻たち(Desperate Housewives)
Andrew: Well, uh, we should probably start eating. We don’t want our frittatas to get cold.
Bree: Right. Good. Um, sorry. Everybody, dig in.
Peter: Wow. Does anybody else think this salsa’s a little too spicy?
Danielle: I always say, the hotter, the better.
Rachel: So I don’t go back to work for another four weeks, but we would like our nanny to start right away so that Emma could get a chance to know her.
Prospective nanny: I think that’s really smart. The easier we can make the transition for her, the better.
ゲームオブスローンズ(Game of Thrones)
Janos Slynt : I need more men.
Eddard Stark : You’ll get 50. Lord Baelish will see it paid for.
Petyr Baelish : I will ?
Eddard Stark : You found money for a champion’s purse, you can find money to keep the peace. I’ll also give you 20 of my household guards till the crowds have left.
Janos Slynt : Thank you, my Lord Hand Ser. They will be put to good use.
Eddard Stark : The sooner this is over, the better.
グレイズアナトミー (Grey’s Anatomy)
DR. BAILEY: Mr. Kamaji, this is probably what’s causing her hiccups. (Izzie points to a screen) A tear in the lining of her esophagus.
MR. KAMAJI: Can you fix it?
DR. BAILEY: Yes, surgically the sooner, the better.
MR. KAMAJI: Ah, after the competition today her schedule is clear until March.
ルシファー (Lucifer)
Maze: They’re miserable. And waiting to tear each other apart. Actually… Reminds me of home.
Chloe: Hmm. You know what? You’re right. They love gossip. And the juicier, the better… You know what? Let’s give them something to talk about… Don’t do that.
アーミーワイフ(Army Wives)
Denise: Gus, you need to listen to Specialist Gabriel.
Broadsky: What is she? Twelve?
Denise: She’s a combat vet, just like you.
Broadsky: You’re joking.
Tanya: Afghanistan. 23rd Airborne.
Denise: The sooner you listen to her, the sooner you get out of here. Now take your pills. It’s an order.
Broadsky: Yes ma’am!
Claudia Joy: Did I miss curfew?
Michael: I was beginning to worry.
Claudia Joy: Roland needed to talk to us. He and Joan have separated. Did you know about that?
Michael: No. I knew that they had some problems, but I thought they were working it out.
Claudia Joy: Yeah, so did I.
Michael: How come you’re home so late?
Claudia Joy: Oh, we went to a, uh, bar off-post, where Roxy works. It’s become something of a hangout for us.
Michael: A hangout?
Claudia Joy: Okay, this is one of those things where the more I explain, the worse it gets.
Michael: Yes, this is one of those things.
Claudia Joy : Believe it or not, I was your age once. I do have some idea.
Amanda : No, you don’t, and even if I told you, you would never even listen anyway. All you want to do is try to fix things, and I don’t want you to fix me.
Claudia Joy : Do you hear yourself, Amanda? Do you hear your tone of voice when you speak to me? I am only trying to help you.
Amanda : But the more I give, the worse it gets. You’ve made it very clear you don’t respect some of the choices I’ve made in my life.
ブラックリスト(The Blacklist)
Mrs. Forrester: Kurz is too rare. Small disease means small profits.
Liz and Ressler leave
Liz: That’s why Barnes is killing. He wants to infect enough people with Kurz disease that it gets on the public’s radar.
Ressler: Why?
Liz: Because then it can’t be ignored anymore. The more people that die, the more attention the disease gets.
Ressler: And the more profitable it will be to invest research dollars. Putting aside how insane this sounds, if you’re right, Barnes is just getting started.
Zeke Landon: My mom had some tough times with me. It’s hard to help someone when they’re not ready to be helped.
Noelle Meyer: It was more than that… She wasn’t the same. She was losing her mind.
Kenneth Meyer: The more we tried to help, tried to pray with her, the more she pulled away. One day, she packed up, passport and all, and left. We think back to New York. That’s where she grew up. But, uh… It’s been months, and no word.
アリーMy Love(Ally McBeal)
Ally (narrative): The real truth is I probably don’t want to be too happy or content because, then what ? I.. I actually like the quest, the search. That’s the fun. The… the more lost you are, the more you have to look forward to. What do you know ? I’m having a great time, and.. and I don’t even know it.
Brennan: I see a face on every skull. I can look at their bones and tell you how they walked, where they hurt. Maggie Schilling is real to me. The pain she suffered was real. Her hip was being eaten away by infection from lying on her side. Sure, like Dr. Stires said, the disease could contribute to that if you take it out of context; but you can’t break Maggie Schilling down into little pieces. She was a whole person who fought to free herself. Her wrists were broken from struggling against the handcuffs. The bones in her ankles were ground together because her feet were tied. And her side, her hip and her shoulder were being eaten away by infection. And the more she struggled, the more pain she was in. So they gave her those drugs to keep her quiet. They gave her so much it killed her. These facts can’t be ignored or dismissed because you think I’m boring or obnoxious, because I don’t matter. What I feel doesn’t matter. Only she matters; only Maggie.
ボストンリーガル(Boston Legal)
Alan: Why’d he fire you?
Joan Zeder: Well, one day, six weeks ago, he brings us all in for a staff meeting. And he says, “Due to the spiraling costs of health care insurance, all smokers have exactly six weeks to quit. At which point I’ll test their system for nicotine and if you fail the urine test, then you’ll be terminated.” Fired! Friggin’ health Nazi. You know, I got rent to pay. And of course, I tried to quit. You know, I wanted to! I did the patch and I did that little nicotine sucky thing, you know, but the more I imagined losing my job the more I panicked. And the more I panicked, the more I smoked. Now I’m up to three packs a day. And today was the day, he made me pee in a cup and then he fired me!
バーンノーティス(Burn Notice)
Michael: [V.O.] The thing about security is that the very things that protect you can be turned against you by someone who knows what he’s doing. It’s tough to compromise a well thought-out security system, but making someone think you can compromise it, well, that’s much easier. Take surveillance cameras, for example: you can disable one by shooting a laser at it and overloading the light sensitive chip. Cheap, easy, and exactly the sort of thing a sophisticated criminal gang with lots of resources would do. Leave around some tell-tale signs of surveillance like cigarette butts, a forgotten camera lens cap and the more security there is, the more likely they are to think they’ve got a very serious problem. Even the security team itself can be an opportunity. The more employees you have, the more you have to worry about them. Deliver some vague threats and a few hundred bucks to a security guard. If he’s honest he’ll tell his boss, who then wonders who wasn’t so honest. For the cost of a nice dinner you can get a whole security team canned.
Michael: The thing about doubling anyone is that the more they do for you, the deeper they get. The deeper they get, the more you can make them do. Great if you’re running them, but hard on the source. The suicide rate is… above average.
Michael: [V.O.] Facts are the hallmark of a good false identity. It is harder to create history than it is to alter it. Plus, the more truth to your lie, the easier it is to remember.
Beckett: The more she said no, the more you became obsessed. You didn’t want to be the submissive. You wanted to dominate her. And the ultimate domination is murder.
William Caraway: No, I swear. I didn’t even know she was dead.
シカゴP.D. (Chicago P.D.)
Ray Price: Morgan Williams’ senseless death has caused this city great distress and pain. And as a result, we’ve gone to great lengths to find someone to blame, someone to hate. And no one has wanted to hate Detective Halstead more than me. But the more I learned about what actually transpired that morning, the more I’m convinced Detective Halstead did nothing wrong. In fact, his actions saved several lives… Several black lives.
Upton: Aw, if you’re looking for punctuality, don’t date a CI. Or an Italian. I dated a guy from Rome once.
Halstead: The more I learn about you, the more I realize I have no clue who you really are.
Mark Tremon: Give me a lawyer.
Voight: The more you talk to us the easier it is…
Mark Tremon: Get me a damn lawyer.
Ellie: Oh, come in. Chuck, you didn’t tell me you were bringing another friend.
Chuck: Hey. Hi. Yeah. It, uh, it totally slipped my mind that my friend John Casey was coming over. We work at Buy More together, and Morgan, you know John from Buy More. I was telling him that were having a get-together, and that you know, the more the merrier.
コールドケース(Cold Case)
Lilly Rush: I said back away.
Moe Kitchener: You gonna shoot me, Detective? Now, how do you think that’ll look after I’ve filed a complaint? The more you push, the less I have to lose.
クリミナルマインド (Criminal Minds)
Elle Greenaway: I think that she should speak to him.
Kidnaper: Do I need to repeat myself? I want to talk to Cheryl. Put her on the phone. Now.
Jason Gideon: No.
Elle Greenaway: I think she should speak to him. He wants to talk to her. The more he speaks, the more he reveals.
Gideon: Whatever the unsub’s job, he’s someone who’s a cog in the machine. He’s overworked, undervalued. He’s used to not being noticed. His sense of theatrics is a way to enhance his own self-esteem, convince himself he has a higher purpose. And he also knows that people look right through him. Being faceless is his best defense against detection. He’s everyone. One last thing. We need you to close ranks. The more details slip out, the more he’ll feed off it.
デスパレートな妻たち (Desperate Housewives)
Carlos: So what’s been going on with her? Have you found anything out yet?
Mama Solis: Actually, Carlos, the more I watch her, the more I think she’s probably not stepping out on you.
Carlos: Really?
Mama Solis: Yeah. She’s not perfect, Lord knows, but she loves you. I can tell.
David: (on answering machine) “Mrs. Solis. David Bradley. Look I feel really bad about the tone of our meeting so to make up for it, I’m gonna do you a favor. The more I think of it, the more I’m convinced your marriage is a train wreck, the gnarly type, you know, mass casualties. Anyway, I’m passing on the name of a divorce lawyer. K-” (Gabrielle hits the “off” button, hard.)
Lynette: You’re right. You are right. You’re right. I’m so sorry. It’s just…
Gabrielle: What?
Lynette: I’m so unhappy. Ever since that woman pushed her way into our lives I can’t even work up a smile. And the more she pushes, the more I resent Tom. Tom. For something he did twelve years ago. And I’m afraid if I can’t fix this, that the anger is just going to fester until..
Gabrielle: Lynette, listen to me. You and Tom will survive this.
Susan: Jane has some beautiful things.
Ian: Yes, she’s always had impeccable taste. I, um, I know how it must seem to you. My holding on to them. But I just couldn’t bring myself to…
Susan: I get it. As much as I have tried to pretend that it’s just you and me, there’s three of us in this relationship.
Ian: Susan, you know I adore you.
Susan: No, please, listen…the last couple of months, I thought we’ve gotten really close, and I have been loving that. I just feel like lately…there’s this limit to how far you’ll let me in.
Ian: Well, I’m trying. It’s just the, um, the more I let you into my heart, the more I feel I’m pushing Jane out and…
Susan: You don’t have to push Jane out to let me in.
フラッシュフォワード (Flashforward)
Demitri: You want me to be honest.
Zoey: Yes.
Demitri: The more you jump down my throat, the less I want to be here. How’s that for honesty?
フレンズ (Friends)
Rachel: Phoebe, don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink?
Phoebe: I’m just helping the kids!
Rachel: How is you drinking helping the kids?
Phoebe: Because the more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink.
Joey: Why’re you so tired?
Chandler: Couldn’t sleep last night you know, then I started worrying about this big divisional meeting that I have later today, the more I worried about it the more I couldn’t sleep. Y’know? I was like, if I fall asleep now I’ll get six hours sleep, but if I fall asleep now I’ll get five hours sleep. Not matter what I did I couldn’t fall asleep.
Ross: Hey Pheebs, you know I’m really glad you came to talk to me the other day and I hope I was a little helpful.
Phoebe: Oh yeah you were helpful! Yeah, thank you.
Ross: Good, good. Yeah coz the more I thought about it, the more I realized I don’t think marriage is necessarily the right path for you.
フリンジ (Fringe)
Olivia: That video was taken three weeks ago, Doctor Boone. Can you explain to me why you are in a wheelchair today?
Nicholas Boone: She needs to feed. She can’t control it. I began to feed her my own spinal fluid. The more I gave, the more she craved, until… I couldn’t give anymore.
グリー (glee)
Kurt : Thank you for helping me with this, Finn. You’re really cool…..
Finn : Well, I figure the more crossover between Glee and football…the easier my life’s gonna be.
Will : That was great, Tina. Good job.
Tina : You don’t have to say that. I was sh…sharp. I c…can’t do this.
Will : Hey, look at me. Have you noticed the more confident you are, the less you stutter?
ゴシップガール (gossip girl)
Lily: Look, honey, I know how hard it is for you to be back but the more you hide yourself away, the more people are gonna think you have something to hide.
ルシファー (Lucifer)
Chloe: So, you’re psychic or something?
Lucifer: No, I can’t read people’s minds. I’m not a Jedi. People just like to tell me things.
Chloe: Hmm, just-just tell you things? Just confess their sins, just like that?
Lucifer: No, not their sins. I have no power over people’s sins. I actually get a bad rap for that. I have the ability to draw out people’s forbidden desires. The more simple the human, the easier it is. The more complex, the more challenging and exciting, really. But no, the actual sins, the sins are on you people.
Linda: I think you’re trying to avoid the unpleasantness of conflict.
Lucifer: Hold on. So you’re saying that distraction is a way to avert your problems.
Linda: No.
Lucifer: Ergo, the more I distract, the less I worry.
Linda: No, I did not say that.
Chloe: Wait, your dad didn’t actually tell you guys that, did he?
Lucifer: Well, in so many Sumerian words, yes.
Chloe: You know, the more I hear about your dad, the more I understand why you’re… You know, you.
Lucifer: So what do you think will happen to Charlotte?
Chloe: Well, given her law firm’s track record, probably not much. You know, the more I think about it, the more I think that Hector killed both victims.
Noelle Meyer: It was more than that… She wasn’t the same. She was losing her mind.
Kenneth Meyer: The more we tried to help, tried to pray with her, the more she pulled away. One day, she packed up, passport and all, and left. We think back to New York. That’s where she grew up. But, uh… It’s been months, and no word.
モダンファミリー (Modern Family)
Cameron: Nobody knows anyone’s middle name! Quick… what’s my middle name?
Mitchell: Scott.
Cameron: Of course you know mine. We’re a couple!
Mitchell: Okay, look, t…this is obviously a mistake.
Cameron: But you’re the one who filled out this paperwork. You don’t make mistakes like this. You correct mistakes like this. You did this on purpose.
Mitchell: What?
Cameron: So your name could have top billing.
Mitchell: Okay, no, I am not gonna sit here and listen to you accuse me of something so horrible!
Cameron: It makes so much sense now… Why you wanted to fill out all these legal forms.
Mitchell: Okay, well, I’m a lawyer! I fill out all the legal forms, ever since you signed up for a 12-year gym membership!
Cameron: The more you spend, the more you save!
Mitchell : Here’s my life… a full-time job, a 3-year-old, and a second one on the way. And as a favor, I agreed to do a little work for Phil’s agency. The problem is, I’m very good, and the more I do, the more they want me. I-I even turned in a few assignments late so that they’d fall out of love with me a little bit.
Gibbs: Ducky, you got some good news for me?
Ducky: Well, it depends on your definition of good news.
Gibbs: Not the answer I was looking for.
Ducky: It seems the more I delve into our young friend here, the more bewildered I become.
Gibbs: It’s usually the other way around.
Gibbs: We’re a little out of place, McGee.
McGee: Feels like high school.
Gibbs: What the hell is that?
McGee: Believe it’s an Escalade, Boss.
Gibbs: The wheels, McGee.
McGee: The rims are called spinners.
Gibbs: What’s the point?
McGee: It’s a hip hop thing.
Gibbs: The more I know the less I understand.
プリズンブレイク (Prison Break)
Hale: He’s got a lot of influence with the governor. They went to prep school together, apparently. Look, the closer it gets, the more I’m worried that the bottom is going to fall out of this whole thing.
Kellerman: Well, maybe it’s time you arranged a visit with the good Bishop, then. (Hale nods uncertainly.) Look, in one month, it’ll all be over.
スーパーナチュラル (Supernatural)
Mrs. McKay: I know you’re just doing your job, but the police have been here all week already. I don’t see why we have to go through this again. The more he tells the story, the more he believes it’s true.
Sam: That guy who hung himself –- I couldn’t save him.
Dean: What are you talking about? You didn’t know, you couldn’t have done anything.
Sam: That’s an excuse, Dean. I should’ve found a way to save him. I should’ve saved Ava, too.
Dean: Yeah, well, you can’t save everyone. Even you said that.
Sam: No, Dean, you don’t understand, all right? The more people I save, the more I can change.
Dean: Change what?
Sam: My destiny, Dean!
Tara: That is enough! I’m so sorry, Richard.
Richard: No problem. With some people, the less they know, the more they talk.
ビッグバンセオリー (Big Bang Theory)
Howard: What do you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about? Tell her I have a girlfriend!
Leonard: All right. He “has” a “girlfriend.”
Howard: Her name is Bernadette, she’s working as a waitress, but she’s going to school to be a microbiologist.
Beverley: Howard, keep in mind that the more passionately you stick to this construct, the more you’re hurting your partner.
クローザー (The Closer)

Pope: Well, why do you always push harder than necessary? I mean what does a slug have to do with anything really?
Brenda: Because the more I find out about the victim and Dr. Collier, the more they have in common. I think somehow they were partners. They were both living together. They were drop out artists. Both obsessed with hiding their identities.
メンタリスト (The Mentalist)
Jane : Okay. I first suspected it was you because it seemed that everybody else at the club wore some of Scarlett’s jewelry, not you.
Heather : That’s it? Jewelry?
Jane : The more we talked, the more I felt your pain and anger. Losing your daughter has unhinged you.
24 -Twenty Four
Phillips: Did he talk?
Jack: No he wouldn’t talk to her.
Phillips: What do we do?
Jack: Call division, have them set up a white room. We’ll handle it in Los Angeles.
Nina: Jack! Wrong move. The deeper you bring him in; the more he’ll shut down.
Jack: We’ll see.
ヴァンパイア・ダイアリーズ (Vampire Diaries)
Zach: I’m full of vervain. I’ve been putting it in my coffee for 16 years. My blood will only make you worse. Damon?
Damon: So it was your vervain. Good for you. Good for you. Family only runs so deep.
Zach: We’re not family, Damon. Only in the most dysfunctional sense. In fact, I avoided having a living, breathing, loving family because of you.
Damon: I don’t guess I could talk you into bringing me a rabbit or something? I’d settle for Stefan’s diet at this point.
Zach: You know i can’t do that.
Damon: You succeeded, Zach. I’m shutting down. You’re like your grandfather. He didn’t like it when I came to visit, either.
Zach: But you don’t visit, Damon. You appear, unannounced, reminding me that this isn’t my house; that you’re just permitting me to live here. Hell, that you’re permitting me to live.
Damon: Someone had to mow the lawn.
Zach: I came to say good-bye, Damon.
Damon: Unlock it. Unlock the door, Zach.
Stefan: Keep it up, Damon. The more energy you expend, the faster you’ll go.
Stefan: Hey, have you seen Elena?
Matt: No, not for a while.
Stefan: You think she went home?
Matt: Not sure.
Stefan: Thanks.
Matt: Hey. I’m not saying this for you. I’m saying it for her. But she’s big on trust. So whatever you’re holding back from her, the more you try to hide it, the more she won’t stop till she figures it out.