めちゃくちゃたくさんあるので、自分が音読したいと思うものだけ集めました 😉
Army Wives(アーミーワイフ)
Roland : Joan’s experiencing post-traumatic stress. Similar to what caused Peter Balgrad to take us hostage. And we both know the Army puts a great deal of emphasis on educating people about PTST. But a major problem I am seeing is the shame, suffer as feel. Especially those in positions of leadership and their own inability to raise their hands, and ask for help. I should have identified her problem sooner, but maybe others should have as well. You served with Joan. You know the level of commitment she’s brought to 20 years of service. The Army is her life. And she’s giving up… She’s just gonna walk away. I can’t let that happen!
Joan : No, thank you. Thank you for helping me come to a decision. I am going to apply for another 30 days off and just relax.
Roland : Do you think they’ll give it to you?
Joan : I don’t see why not. General Baker isn’t an advocate of mine. Not a big believer in therapy, but it helped me. What I learned is that one event caused my P.T.S.D.
Bones (ボーンズ)
Hodgins: The spider eggs were on the body before it was encased in the clay. The heat in the lab caused the eggs to hatch and when you shone your flashlight they headed for the light.
Brennan: This injury occurred perhaps a week before the victim was killed.
Dude: Whatever made him die was not the same thing that broke his rib.
Farid: Yes, I am a Christian.
Booth: And Hamid is Muslim and Sahar?
Farid: I converted. Hamid could never accept it. Religious differences caused too many problems.
Bones: Seems to be a consistent fact throughout history.
Booth: What the hell is that?
Bones: I’m not sure. It’s a bone dimple but they both have it so it can’t be genetic. Something external caused it but I’m not sure what.
Beckett : So it turns out that the building’s only Asian tenant is Paul Cho, who just happened to be Buckley’s ex-brother-in-law.
Castle : Oh. Well, maybe it’s not Cape Fear then. Maybe it’s Family Feud . Maybe Buckley’s bitter divorce caused enough hard feelings that things turned violent.
Beckett: Personally, I have no doubt. But Richard Castle believes in you, and I believe in him. So, show me those diamonds. Show me that none of them are missing, or I will haul your ass back to jail.
(Damian walks to the fireplace. Beckett reaches for her gun just in case. Damian pulls a small box out from its hiding place under the mantel and hands it to Beckett.)
Damian : I only changed the diamonds I had given her. Those pieces cost me millions of dollars, and I knew she’d have no particular attachment to them once we were over. I’ve led a careless and wasteful life, Detective. But I’m no killer. Twenty-six diamonds, they’re all there.
Reginald : Yesterday evening. He left about five o’clock. I believe he had made plans with his wife.
Beckett: He was married?
Reginald : Oh, yes. With a teenage daughter. Though they’d been separated for some months before I began to work for him. Apparently, the money caused some kind of a rift.
Beckett: This little beauty has caused a lot of trouble, hasn’t it?
Angelica : That’s what beautiful things do, my dear. At least to me.
Beckett: We got the guy. What do we got on the parents?
Ryan: Theresa and Alfred Candela. Married 10 years. One child, Angela Candela.
Castle: Whoa! Sorry. Sorry about that. That tie took me a little by surprise.
Ryan: Okay. Get it all out. This is a gift from my girlfriend.
Esposito: Yo. Look who got caught trying to buy a ticket to the Bahamas at JFK.
Castle: Gloria.
Gloria: Everything in New York reminded me of Sarah. I needed to distance myself from the agonizing truth that she’s dead. And now, if denial is a crime, I plead guilty.
Castle: What’s wrong?
Alexis: Everything. How do you do it, dad?
Castle: Do what?
Alexis: Well, that letter that you have framed in your office.
Castle: My first manuscript rejection.
Alexis: Yeah. How can you stand having it there?
Castle: Because it drives me. And I got 20 more of those before black pawn ever agreed to publish “in a hail of bullets.” That letter… That letter reminds me of what I’ve overcome. Rejection isn’t failure.
Esposito : N.Y.P.D. We’re here about Charlie Reynolds.
Hank Harper : I’m gonna have to call you back.
(In the Hank’s office : Ryan, Esposito, Castle & Hank Harper)
Hank Harper : Charlie was a great kid, a real pro. Working with him reminded me of the pictures I did with Pacino.
Chicago Med(シカゴ・メッド)
Sharon : Natalie, what happened with the little girl?
Natalie : She had a cardiac contusion. Bruising caused her to arrest. She’s good now, but it was a real scare.
Mr. Joffe: For the first time, what Michelle was going through finally made sense. Good news, we know what it is. Bad news, there’s no cure. So we manage.
Natalie : Okay. Well, I’d like to do a full workup before discharging her. See if we can find what caused those spasms. Could take a couple of hours. You guys okay with that?
Criminal Minds(クリミナルマインド)
Hotchner: His brother didn’t kill himself.
Prentiss: Peter did.
Reid: The fire caused such grief and suffering that it became the trigger.
Gideon: Ex-wife Reese Miller had a restraining order against him for domestic violence.
Derek: When she get re-married?
JJ: The week before they were killed.
Derek: Violent husbands believe their wives and children are property. Reese Miller getting re-married possibly made him snap.
Reid: The first murder happened in September.
Navarro: So she could’ve been the last one who was raped before whatever stressor made him kill.
Mac : Cause of death?
Hawkes: Hemorrhagic stroke. She had two strokes, actually. Upon examination of the brain, I found evidence of an ischemic stroke — a process where blood was cut off from the cerebrum. The effects of the ischemic stroke caused severe deterioration of blood vessels in her brain, which then led to a hemorrhagic conversion.
Grey’s Anatomy (グレイズアナトミー)
Meredith: What made him fall down the stairs with a nail gun?
Derek: He said he tripped. Just because you hear hoof beats, don’t assume zebras.
Meredith: Something caused him to lose consciousness and fall down the stairs. He could have a tumor.
Samuel: You know what I am? I’m stupid. Nothing will make you feel more stupid than cheating on the woman you love. You don’t know what you’re missing.
Burke: He’s running a fever.
Alex: Due to the extra stress on his body from the gunshot.
Burke: Digby, the impact of the bullet on your chest fractured a rib and caused a hemopneumothorax.
Sorrento: She has cancer?
Bailey: I’m afraid so. We can keep her comfortable but she’s going to need more tests to see what are next steps are. This might include more surgery.
Sorrento: But the surgery will save her right?
Bailey: The cancer appears to be advanced.
Dr. House(Dr.ハウス)
Cuddy: Are you crazy! Alzheimer drugs will make your brain go into overdrive!
OLIVIA: (to ambulance attendants) Put him over here.
ASTRID: (to Olivia) Salt will make you float.
Lucifer (ルシファー)
Lucifer: Careful, brother. Too much of that will make you go blind.
Modern Family(モダンファミリー)

Jay : Manny, you like to fish?
Manny : Fishing? Yeah.
Gloria : You want to go to the pier today?
Manny : Is this a trick to see if I’m really sick?
Gloria : No, maybe the fresh air will make you feel better.
Ally Macbeal (アリーMy Love)
Richard: Ally. (he inspects under the doors)
Ally: Rich… Richard, Richard I’m in the bathroom.
Richard: Oh well, unisex. Studies show it helps employees breed familiarity. So long as they don’t come in to just breed. It’s… uh.. Seriously, is working with Billy going to be a problem? I can’t do anything about it but I’d be happy to sympathize.
The Closer (クローザー)

Brenda: Lieutenant Flynn, your resignation surprised me most of all. The whole time I’ve been here, you’ve never said one complimentary thing about or to me.
Flynn: Chief, you have really great legs.
Kate: Newell went through NCROTC at the University of Florida before flight school. His impulsiveness has gotten him in some trouble. A fight cost him a non-punitive letter of caution.
The Blacklist (ブラックリスト)
Aram : It would have to be hardwired, sir. They’ve knocked out the grids.
Cooper : What about the telecom signal? Could it be restored?
Aram : Same thing. Unfortunately, it would have to be hacked locally.
Cooper : Where would you hack it?
Aram : Main generator room would give me the best chance. It has all the uplink terminals.
Cooper : But the power’s down.
Aram : Our backup generator should enable the uplink and allow me to splice a separate signal from the telecom.
The Mentalist (メンタリスト)
Lisbon: It’s funny how well you two get along.
Jane: Well, I have the same kind of trouble with those pesky quantum lords. Noah’s ethics should have prevented him from taking on the project in the first place. But he took it on. Why?